This bug is basically a reminder to tell us we need to keep our jfx/runtime/javafx-logging backported PlatformLogger from JDK7 in sync with the JDK7 PlatformLogger, which is owned by Mandy Chung.
We made some changes to our backported version to reduce its verbosity:
changeset: 8860:1c73de595454
tag: tip
user: Willie Walker <>
date: Tue Dec 14 15:54:53 2010 -0500
summary: Change backported PlatformLogger output to be less verbose and on one line.
We've also sent these off to Mandy for her consideration. Mandy is going to think on these and also think about other ways in which we may be able to change the output. When we hear more from Mandy, we should sync back up and close this bug.