JDK-8098138 : Create Modena look unit test
  • Type: Enhancement
  • Component: javafx
  • Sub-Component: controls
  • Affected Version: 8
  • Priority: P4
  • Status: Closed
  • Resolution: Won't Fix
  • Submitted: 2013-01-14
  • Updated: 2018-09-06
  • Resolved: 2015-01-06
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The Modena test application jfx/rt/apps/experiments/Modena has a page called SamplePage which is trying to show all UI Controls in all states. We should have a golden image test of this page added into set of controls unit tests. So that it us run by developers before commits and also run on Hudson smoke tests. This should catch UI breakages way earlier then they are now at the SQE testing level. With the hope that it will be easier to see what caused the breakage  and fix it up front. Rather than it failing and not being noticed till weeks later when SQE tested. Which then results in a bug being filled which may sit around for months or longer.

This test should run with default settings and with each of the supported font sizes for each platform. Also with changes to base and accent colors to test theming. 
No resources or plans to address this.

d. Actually default on Windows depends on system settings as well as on other systems I'd expect.

a. Can I assume default is by default on each system? b. How can I query retina mode? c. What about Linux?

1. On Windows a) default == font: Windows 100% (12px) b) font: Windows 125% (15px) c) font: Windows 150% (18px) d) modified base and accent color 2. On Mac a) default == font: Mac (13px) b) modified base and accent color c) retina mode? This will happen depending on hardware setup. If running on Retina Mac you will get this by default for (a) & (b) if running on normal mac you will get standard mode. 3. On Embedded? - is this test expected to be run on embedded? We have not tested it at all on embedded, its a lot of nodes and controls in one screen for embedded. If we can make it run then would be good to test in its default mode. I still have menus and virtual keyboard to add to test page. Anything else you know of that is missing, either whole controls or features of a specific control.

You can see examples of the images generated from SamplePage for Modena and Caspian themes attached to the Modena bug RT-27582.