JDK-8094487 : Youtube shows error while playing in Webkit
  • Type: Bug
  • Component: javafx
  • Sub-Component: media
  • Affected Version: 8u20
  • Priority: P3
  • Status: Resolved
  • Resolution: Not an Issue
  • Submitted: 2014-08-24
  • Updated: 2015-06-12
  • Resolved: 2014-11-14
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I am trying to run a youtube video for eg. : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rCYcHvjlnus
It sometimes works and sometimes it gives error.
The main thing is it has never work if I use "https" protocol.
I have got this error mostly : "An error occurred, Please try again later. Learn More" 

When i tried to get debug info from youtube then it gave like this.
{"ns":"yt","el":"detailpage","cpn":"8dOhJTvVMRmA0uLS","docid":"rCYcHvjlnus","ver":2,"referrer":"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rCYcHvjlnus","cmt":"0","plid":"AAUBZAJEyTZXU9u0","ei":"-Sr6U6TONYPBugTq4YDwAw","fmt":"18","fs":"0","rt":"42.937","c":"WEB","cver":"html5","adformat":null,"content_v":null,"euri":null,"subscribed":null,"lact":40224,"live":null,"cplatform":null,"cbrand":null,"cmodel":null,"cnetwork":null,"cbr":"Safari","cbrver":null,"cos":"Windows","cosver":"6.1","cl":"73848705","mos":0,"q":null,"osid":null,"state":null,"volume":100,"hl":"en_US","cr":"NP","len":"242","fexp":"902408,921094,924627,927622,931323,931983,934024,934030,941375,946013,948201,948600","vct":"0.000","vd":"NaN","vpl":"","vbu":"","vpa":true,"vsk":false,"vpr":1,"vrs":0,"vns":0,"vec":null,"debug_error":{"errorCode":"fmt.unplayable","messageKey":"YTP_ERROR_GENERIC","message":"An error occurred, please try again later."},"debug_videoId":"rCYcHvjlnus","debug_playbackQuality":"medium","debug_date":"Sun Aug 24 2014 23:57:56 GMT+0545 (Nepal Standard Time)"}


There goes all my hopes...This only works in Mac at the moment

You might want to add your comment and also Vote for RT-28420.

Ok, then we can forget about playing Youtube or Vimeo videos in our apps using Javafx. A big big dissappointment. And as more services are starting to force https, this will get even more limited.

Not an issue? Youtube.com page does not work in a webview. I believe that is a big issue. Edit: I can confirm this is NOT fixed in u40

We don't support media over https. RT-28420 is filed to track the request to add this feature, but it is not currently planned.

I'm using JDK 1.7.0_55 and seeing intermittent failure to play with YouTube embeds in WebView. Using Fiddler, I found that the HTTP embed URL will randomly redirect (via a HTTP 301 response) to the HTTPS equivalent and using a custom URLStreamHandler I was able to finally narrow it down specifically to the call to youtube.com/get_video_info that's made by the YouTube embed player - allowing all other connections (various tracking/ad connections, as well as the actual video stream) it makes to go over https still allows the video to play fine. Interestingly, the "stats for nerds" do show a protocol of "http" when the get_video_info call is switched over to http even though the actual video stream data is coming over https. I did try with the JDK 8u40 preview, but the behavior I saw was exactly the same so I don't think this is resolved with 8u40... Unfortunately, that's as far as I can debug this from my end - do you guys have any way of figuring out what in the https call to youtube.com/get_video_info is disagreeing with WebView? Thanks!

HTTPS is not supported. When I try to open https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rCYcHvjlnus it never gets to Media code, probably filtered earlier in the code.

problem that can not be played with https protocol videos of youtube has happened in the case of Windows, but I am able to play in the environment 10.9.5 Mac OSX.

I think that issue is somehow resolved with u40 update. I ran my app several times and there are only problems with outstanding resources locks. //my bad it is just that Youtube does not force https.

Having same problem : error occured after several tries, i think the issue is related to https protocol !!! since when i use https://youtbe.. embed video never launch. While using only http, video often works correctly ! but when i have error occured ,i go into stats of nerds (right click on the video ) i found that protocol is https !! so may be youtube sometimes uses https protocol by default !!

Important thing is that problem occurs only on Windows, on Mac there is everything ok and with JDK 1.8.0_20 videos always play without errors.

This is likely a media error rather than webview. Also, it isn't a P2 bug.