JDK-8091771 : Provide a way to position stage depending on its size before actually showing it on the screen
  • Type: Enhancement
  • Component: javafx
  • Sub-Component: scenegraph
  • Affected Version: 8
  • Priority: P3
  • Status: Open
  • Resolution: Unresolved
  • Submitted: 2013-04-19
  • Updated: 2018-09-05
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for the following sequence (attached):

        System.out.println(String.format("before: %.0fx%.0f", stage.getWidth(), stage.getHeight()));
        System.out.println(String.format("after: %.0fx%.0f", stage.getWidth(), stage.getHeight()));

I get the following output:

before: NaNxNaN
after: 216x238

I need to know stage size before I actually show it to position it correctly. Although it can be achieved by listening to width and height properties, this seems to be overkill for such a simple task.
One possibility might be supporting anchorX, anchorY and anchorLocation in Window (currently used in PopupWindow).

Although this particular request could be considered as not an Issue, the problem still persist. There should be a way to get stage size and position it properly prior to showing it on the screen. So I'm reopening this as a feature request. Any ideas how this could be implemented?

In addition to that, on some systems, the size of the window decorations is unknown until the window is displayed. Native functions which get that size before the window is displayed return estimates only and their usage is discouraged.

The stage size computing needs to happen in the lower layers (is platform-dependent) and we can't sync the needed values at arbitrary point of time, it happens in pulse, so I'm not sure it'll be possible to fix this. Assigning to Lubo for deeper evaluation.