JDK-8091715 : HTML support for Text
  • Type: Enhancement
  • Component: javafx
  • Sub-Component: graphics
  • Priority: P3
  • Status: Open
  • Resolution: Unresolved
  • Submitted: 2008-11-14
  • Updated: 2018-09-05
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Most RSS feeds or other WebService APIs available like Yahoo, CNN has HTML content.
Hence it becomes very difficult even to write simple applications using those services.

Ideal way is to have HTML support for Text. To start with we may provide an option to remove all HTML tags and render plain text.


i think this feature i badly needed, back in the swing days i could make literally colorful combobox items that highlight something, WebView is too heavy weight when ported to javaFX android this could bring even more issues, Texflow in the other hand is a cheat. HTML formatted content is pretty much the thing for localizable programs, webView does not adjust it's width on dynamic content, speaking of dynamic content i think HTML formatted is much more light weight than repeadebly adding and removing a bunch of separately style Labels, HTML itself gets a lot of this done faster and easier and more lightweight

The forum post indicates how much potential there is for discussion over what level of support is required. For now (since its way too late) I'm decommitting this from lombard and for a future release will likely reassign to controls.

Was briefly discussed in a JavaFX forum post: https://forums.oracle.com/thread/2559465

Personally I think this is something that should be done in Controls and not in the Text node.

This will depend on "RT-17392 Multi-style text support". However its not ceratin that the Text *node* itself will directly support HTML, even a subset. Its possible that instead the UI controls such as Label will do this and internally translate that to a styled text string understood by the Text node using, again, internal APIs.

Evaluate post-1.0. Btw, full HTML support will be done via webkit, but it may still be useful for Text nodes to provide limited HTML support.