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The tree below shows some basic drag-n-drop and copy-n-paste scenarios and marks the result as OK or ERR (or both where the result should be corrected). - The results were gathered on three platforms: WINDOWS, OSX and LINUX. - The data types: PLAIN TEXT, HTML and IMAGE. - For HTML an editable page was taken here: PLAIN TEXT WINDOWS DnD inside WebView OK from WebView to outside ERR: the drop is represented as an image to WebView from outside OK CnP inside WebView OK from WebView to outside OK to WebView from outside OK OSX DnD inside WebView OK from WebView to outside OK to WebView from outside OK CnP same as DnD LINUX DnD inside WebView OK from WebView to outside OK to WebView from outside OK CnP same as DnD HTML WINDOWS DnD inside WebView OK from WebView to outside OK: the drop looks ok ERR: the drop is an image to WebView from outside OK CnP inside WebView OK from WebView to outside OK to WebView from outside OK OSX DnD inside WebView OK from WebView to outside OK: the drop is formatted properly ERR: links are surrounded with extra symbols to WebView from outside OK: the drop preserves the text data ERR: the drop is a plain text CnP same as DnD LINUX DnD inside WebView OK from WebView to outside ERR: the drop is of wrong encoding to WebView from outside OK: the drop preserves the text data ERR: the drop is a plain text CnP inside WebView OK from WebView to outside OK: the drop preserves the text data ERR: the drop is a plain text to WebView from outside ERR: the drop is a garbage plain text IMAGE WINDOWS DnD from WebView to outside OK CnP from WebView to outside ERR: the drop is empty OSX DnD from WebView to outside ERR: IllegalArgumentException on drag start, no drop CnP from WebView to outside OK LINUX DnD from WebView to outside ERR: the drop is empty CnP from WebView to outside OK Also, the testing was performed with the fix for RT-40330 applied. (Which doesn't degrade the behavior, but improves it in some cases).