JDK-8081491 : The case print incomplete.
  • Type: Bug
  • Component: client-libs
  • Sub-Component: 2d
  • Affected Version: 8u60,9
  • Priority: P4
  • Status: Resolved
  • Resolution: Fixed
  • OS: solaris_11
  • CPU: sparc
  • Submitted: 2015-05-28
  • Updated: 2019-12-02
  • Resolved: 2015-11-16
The Version table provides details related to the release that this issue/RFE will be addressed.

Unresolved : Release in which this issue/RFE will be addressed.
Resolved: Release in which this issue/RFE has been resolved.
Fixed : Release in which this issue/RFE has been fixed. The release containing this fix may be available for download as an Early Access Release or a General Availability Release.

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9 b96Fixed
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Testsuite name: 2D Regression 
Test name(s): java/awt/print/PageFormat/ImageableAreaTest.java 
Product(s) tested: JDK 9 b65 
OS/architecture: Solaris11 sparc 

Error log file : http://aurora.ru.oracle.com/slot-gw/913252.ManualSubmit-1/workDir/java/awt/print/PageFormat/ImageableAreaTest.jtr 

Reproducible: Always 
Reproducible on machine: Evergreen-machine 
[If Sometimes] Also reproducible on machine: 

Is it a Regression: No 
[If Regression] Regression introduced in release/build: b33 (JDK 9 b33 on the same OS: Failed as the same issue
                                                                                      JDK 9 b60 on the same OS: Failed as the same issue)  
Test result on the last GAed release for this train: Fail (JDK 8u51 b14 on the same OS: Failed as the same issue) 
[if Fail] Test result on FCS: Fail (JDK 1.8.0 b132 on the same OS: Failed as No print service found) 

Is it a platform specific issue: Yes (same build on win7 sp1 x64: Failed as the same issue
                                                   same build on mac 10.9 x64: Pass
                                                   same build on ubuntu 14.04 x64: Failed as the same issue                                                
                                                   same build on solaris10 x64: the case failed automatically and shows Execution failed: `main' threw exception: java.nio.charset.UnsupportedCharsetException: sun.font.X11Dingbats in the harness.)

[If platform specific issue] Is it a new (previously unsupported) OS/browser/mode testing: No 
[If new configuration testing] Issue specific to execution mode or OS/browser version: 

Steps to reproduce: 

1. Download regression workspace from http://jre.us.oracle.com/java/re/jdk/9/promoted/ea/b65/ws/jdk/test/ to /export/home/egtc/workspace/regression
2. Install test bundle JDK9b65 (download from http://jre.us.oracle.com/java/re/jdk/9/promoted/ea/b65/bundles) to /export/home/egtc/workspace/regression/jdk1.9.0 
3. Install stable JDK7u45b18 (download from http://jre.us.oracle.com/java/re/jdk/7u45/promoted/fcs/b18/bundles) to /export/home/egtc/workspace/regression/jdk1.7.0_45 
4. Download and unzip Jtreg from http://jre.us.oracle.com/java/re/jtreg/4.1/promoted/fcs/b11/bundles/jtreg_bin-4.1.zip locate at /export/home/egtc/workspace/regression 
5. Create the script regression.sh as follows and run it 
export JT_JAVA=/export/home/egtc/workspace/regression/jdk1.7.0_45
/export/home/egtc/workspace/regression/jtreg/bin/jtreg -v -m -ignore:quiet -jdk:/export/home/egtc/workspace/regression/jdk1.9.0 -r:/export/home/egtc/workspace/regression/results/reportDir -w:/export/home/egtc/workspace/regression/results/workDir  /export/home/egtc/workspace/regression/ws/jdk/test/java/awt/print/PageFormat/ImageableAreaTest.java

Case Instruction: 

1. Press the Print Table button
 Java print dialog should appear.
2. Press the Print button on the Java Print dialog.
2. Check that the page number is correctly printed.
If so, press PASS, else press FAIL.

1. Press the Print Table button
 The table should be printed without the print dialog.
2. Check that the page number is correctly printed.
If so, press PASS, else press FAIL.

1. Press the Print Table button
 Java print dialog should appear.
2. Press the Print button on the Java Print dialog.
3. Check that the table has about half size of the printed page
If so, press PASS, else press FAIL.

Actual behavior: 
1)When the paper format is set to letter(default setting)Test1 print incomplete refer to incomplete.jpg. By the way our printer machine is lexmark260dn.

We also tried to set the paper format to A4, then the Test1 is passed but Test2 print incomplete refer to incomplete.jpg, 

2)If one of the case fail, the subsequent cases can't be loaded.
Made relevant change to print only the visible part of JTable. http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~psadhukhan/8081491/webrev.10/ is under review

It seems if we change the test program to use frame.pack() instead of frame.setSize() all rows are printed OR add a scrollpane to the JTable scrollPane = JScrollPane(table) and frame.add(scrollpane) along with setSize()

In windows 7, paper format set to A4 Test1 printed OK. I can see 42 entries on Page1. Test2 does not print OK. There are 40 entries on Page1 and an blank row on Page2. It seems the header area is more in Test2["Author Table" is printed much lower down compared to Test1] causing less number of entries to be printed on Page1 . Same thing is observed if I set Paper format to Letter. Seems like wrong header measurement problem.

RULE java/awt/print/PageFormat/ImageableAreaTest.java Exception java.lang.RuntimeException: Page number is not correctly printed!