JDK-8077351 : Broken Localization Strings (XMLSchemaMessages_de.properties)
  • Type: Bug
  • Component: globalization
  • Sub-Component: translation
  • Affected Version: 9
  • Priority: P3
  • Status: Closed
  • Resolution: Fixed
  • Submitted: 2015-04-09
  • Updated: 2016-06-13
  • Resolved: 2016-06-13
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Resolved: Release in which this issue/RFE has been resolved.
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Many of the localization strings in XMLSchemaMessages_de.properties are broken.

English: cvc-elt. = cvc-elt. The value ''
{1}'' of element ''{0}'' does not match the '{'value constraint'}' value ''{2}''.
German: cvc-elt. = cvc-elt. Wert "{1}

" des Elements "
{0}" stimmt nicht mit dem "{''value constraint''}"-Wert "{2}" \u00FCberein.

The problem is the '{'value constraint'}', which properly escaped the {-Char, while the German version has a double-quote ("), which doesn't escape the {, so it's interpreted as if the string has an additional parameter named ''value constraint''.

This leads to the problem that the "raw" error-messages (without replaced values) get prefixed by the "FormatFailed" string (e.g. "Beim Formatieren der folgenden Meldung ist ein interner Fehler aufgetreten: Wert "{1}" des Elements "{0}

" stimmt nicht mit dem "
{''value constraint''}

"-Wert "

" ��berein." by the java.text.MessageFormat.format(msg, arguments) call.

Verified in JDK9 resource file.

Original report: https://java.net/jira/browse/JAXP-80