Fix for JDK-8038473 "Remove support for old T1 libthread" deprecate UseBoundThreads, DefaultThreadPriority and NoYieldsInMicrolock VM options. But these options are still defined in hotspot/src/share/vm/runtime/globals.hpp file and accepted by JVM(instead of printing warning about deprecation).
Also, UseBoundThreads option is used in Arguments::parse_each_vm_init_arg function in hotspot/src/share/vm/runtime/arguments.cpp:
} else if (match_option(option, "-Xboundthreads")) {
// Bind user level threads to kernel threads (Solaris only)
FLAG_SET_CMDLINE(bool, UseBoundThreads, true);
So, possible, "-Xboundthreads" also can be deprecated because it used only to set deprecated "UseBoundThreads" to true.