JDK-8069351 : [TESTBUG] gc/memory/Nio_PageAlignDirectMemory fails: Allocating direct memory should not eat the heap!
  • Type: Bug
  • Component: hotspot
  • Sub-Component: gc
  • Affected Version: 9
  • Priority: P3
  • Status: Resolved
  • Resolution: Cannot Reproduce
  • Submitted: 2015-01-20
  • Updated: 2017-02-10
  • Resolved: 2015-06-30
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Time to time (not often, but quite regularly) the test gc/memory/Nio_PageAlignDirectMemory fails:

Exception in thread "main" gc.memory.Nio.Nio$Fault: Allocating direct memory should not eat the heap! Heap dumped to heapDump.hprof file.
 	at gc.memory.Nio.Nio.checkHeapIsNotAffected(Nio.java:138)
 	at gc.memory.Nio.Nio.run(Nio.java:52)
 	at gc.memory.Nio.Nio.main(Nio.java:28)

The test is executed with:  -XX:MaxDirectMemorySize=25m -Dsun.nio.PageAlignDirectMemory=true flags. It allocates all available direct buffer (25m) and heap is not growing.

But heap grows and test fails dumping heap.

Let's start with assumption that this is test issue.
This test hasn't failed for 6 months. So, I'm closing it as not reproducible. The more I look at the problem described in the test that more I think that this is not a test bug at all. I guess that something must have been changed in JDK and heap stopped consuming...

According to Alan Bateman comment (JDK-8130076). Page alignment is not supported for direct memory... So it's very strange that PageAlignDirectMemory affects somehow the behavior...

I=M (test failure) L=M (sometimes) W=H (unknown) --> P3