JDK-8051618 : JEP 200: The Modular JDK
  • Type: JEP
  • Component: not defined
  • Priority: P1
  • Status: Closed
  • Resolution: Delivered
  • Fix Versions: 9
  • Submitted: 2014-07-22
  • Updated: 2017-09-21
  • Resolved: 2017-09-21
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Use the Java Platform Module System, specified by [JSR 376][jpms] and
implemented by [JEP 261][jep261], to modularize the JDK.


Divide the JDK into a set of modules that can be combined at compile
time, build time, and run time into a variety of configurations
including, but not limited to:

  - Configurations corresponding to the full Java SE Platform, the
    full JRE, and the full JDK;

  - Configurations roughly equivalent in content to each of the
    [Compact Profiles][cps] defined in [Java SE 8][se8]; and

  - Custom configurations which contain only a specified set of modules
    possibly augmented by external library and application modules, and
    the modules transitively required by all of these modules.

The definition of the modular structure should make a clear distinction
between standard modules, whose specifications are governed by the
[Java Community Process][jcp], and modules that are specific to the JDK.
It should also distinguish modules that are included in the Java SE
Platform Specification, and thereby made mandatory in every Platform
Implementation, from all other modules.


[Project Jigsaw][jig] aims to design and implement a standard module
system for the Java SE Platform and to apply that system to the
Platform itself, and to the JDK.  Its primary goals are to make
implementations of the Platform more easily scalable down to small
devices, improve security and maintainability, enable improved
application performance, and provide developers with better tools for
programming in the large.


### Design principles

The modular structure of the JDK implements the following principles:

  1. <a id="p1">Standard modules, whose specifications are governed by
     the JCP, have names starting with the string `"java."`.</a>

  2. <a id="p2">All other modules are merely part of the JDK, and have
     names starting with the string `"jdk."`.</a>

  3. <a id="p3">If a module exports a package that contains a type that
     contains a public or protected member that, in turn, refers to a
     type from some other module, then the first module must grant
     implied readability to the second, via `requires transitive`.</a>
     (This ensures that method-invocation chaining works in the obvious

  4. <a id="p4">A standard module may contain both standard and
     non-standard API packages.</a> If a standard module exports a
     standard API package then the export may be qualified; if a standard
     module exports a non-standard API package then the export must be
     qualified.  In either case, if a standard module exports a package
     with qualification then the export must be to some subset of the
     modules in the JDK.  If a standard module is a Java&nbsp;SE module,
     _i.e._, is included in the Java&nbsp;SE Platform Specification, then
     it must not export any non-SE API packages, at least not without

  5. <a id="p5">A standard module may depend upon one or more
     non-standard modules.</a> It must not grant implied readability to
     any non-standard module.  If it is a Java&nbsp;SE module then it
     must not grant implied readability to any non-SE module.

  6. <a id="p6">A non-standard module must not export any standard API
     packages.</a> A non-standard module may grant implied readability to
     a standard module.

An important consequence of principles 4 and 5 is that code that depends
only upon Java&nbsp;SE modules will depend only upon standard
Java&nbsp;SE types, and thus be portable to all Implementations of the
Java&nbsp;SE Platform.

### The module graph

The modular structure of the JDK can be visualized as a graph: Each
module is a node, and there is a directed edge from one module to another
if the first depends upon the second.  The full module graph has too many
edges to be displayed easily; here is the [_transitive reduction_][tred]
of the graph, in which redundant edges are omitted (click to enlarge):

> <a href="https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/secure/attachment/72525/jdk.png"><img src="https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/secure/attachment/72524/jdk-thumb.png"/></a>

Herewith a guided tour of the module graph:

  - Standard Java&nbsp;SE modules are colored orange; non-SE modules are
    colored blue.

  - If one module depends upon another, and it grants implied readability
    to that module, then the edge from the first module to the second is
    solid; otherwise, the edge is dashed.

  - At the very bottom is the `java.base` module, which contains
    essential classes such as `java.lang.Object` and `java.lang.String`.
    The base module depends upon no module, and every other module
    depends upon the base module.  Edges to the base module are lighter
    than other edges.

  - Near the top is the `java.se.ee` module, which gathers together all
    of the modules that comprise the Java&nbsp;SE Platform, including
    modules that overlap with the Java&nbsp;EE Platform Specification.
    This is an example of an _aggregator_ module, which collects and
    re-exports the content of other modules but adds no content of its
    own.  A run-time system configured to contain the `java.se.ee` module
    will contain all of the API packages of the Java&nbsp;SE Platform.  A
    module is included in the Java&nbsp;SE Platform Specification if, and
    only if, it is a standard module reachable from the `java.se.ee`

  - The `java.se` aggregator module gathers together those parts of the
    Java&nbsp;SE Platform that do not overlap with Java&nbsp;EE.

  - The non-standard modules include debugging and serviceability tools
    and APIs (_e.g._, `jdk.jdi`, `jdk.jcmd` and `jdk.jconsole`),
    development tools (_e.g._, `jdk.compiler`, `jdk.javadoc`, and
    `jdk.xml.bind`), and various service providers (_e.g._,
    `jdk.charsets`, `jdk.scripting.nashorn`, and `jdk.crypto.ec`), which
    are made available to other modules via the existing
    <code>[java.util.ServiceLoader][jusl]</code> mechanism.

  - The `java.smartcardio` module is standard but not part of the
    Java&nbsp;SE Platform Specification, hence its name starts with the
    string `"java."` but it is colored blue, and it is not reachable from
    the `java.se` module.

The module graph is, in effect, a new kind of API, and is specified and
evolved as such.  The subgraph of the module graph rooted at the
`java.se.ee` module, with all non-SE modules and corresponding edges
removed, is specified in the Java&nbsp;SE Platform Specification; its
evolution will hereinafter be governed by the JCP.  The evolution of the
remainder of the graph will be covered by future JEPs.  In either case,
if a module is specified as being available for general use then it will
be subject to the same evolutionary constraints as other APIs.  Removing
such a module or changing it incompatibly, in particular, will require
public notice at least one major release in advance.

A tabular summary of all of the modules, including footprint metrics for
a Linux/AMD64 build, is available [here][msum].


The unit and regression tests in the JDK and <code>[jtreg][jtreg]</code>,
the harness used to run them, now allow tests to be selected on the basis
of the modules which they test and upon which they depend, so that
arbitrary configurations of JDK modules can be tested.

The primary functional test of this enhancement inspects a configured set
of modules to ensure that it is a valid combination of the modules
defined herein, that each module has the expected content and exports the
expected API packages, and that the modules have the expected dependence

The JCK can now test those aspects of the module graph which become part
of the Java&nbsp;SE Platform Specification.  This includes the names of
the SE modules, their exported API packages, and the dependences amongst
them that cause SE API packages to be re-exported.  The JCK can also test
arbitrary configurations of the SE modules present in a Platform

Risks and Assumptions

The modular structure defined here does not support at least one known
use case, namely that of wanting to use the `java.beans` package without
having to require the very large `java.desktop` module.  It might not
address other use cases, as yet unknown.  If a critical use case is not
supported in the final implementation of this JEP then we expect to be
able address it in a later release by refactoring the module graph.


This JEP is the one of several for [Project Jigsaw][jig].  The other JEPs

  - [201: Modular Source Code][jep201]
  - [220: Modular Run-Time Images][jep220]
  - [260: Encapsulate Most Internal APIs][jep260]
  - [261: Module System][jep261]; see also [JSR 376][jpms]
  - [282: jlink: The Java Linker][jep282]

[jig]: http://openjdk.java.net/projects/jigsaw/
[tred]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transitive_reduction
[jusl]: http://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/util/ServiceLoader.html
[mxml]: http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk9/jdk9/file/tip/modules.xml
[msum]: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/secure/attachment/72527/module-summary.html
[jms]: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8051619
[cps]: http://openjdk.java.net/jeps/161
[se8]: http://openjdk.java.net/projects/jdk8/spec/
[jcp]: http://jcp.org/
[jtreg]: http://openjdk.java.net/jtreg/
[jpms]: http://openjdk.java.net/projects/jigsaw/spec/
[sotms]: http://openjdk.java.net/projects/jigsaw/spec/sotms/
[jig]: http://openjdk.java.net/projects/jigsaw/
[jep200]: http://openjdk.java.net/jeps/200
[jep201]: http://openjdk.java.net/jeps/201
[jep220]: http://openjdk.java.net/jeps/220
[jep260]: http://openjdk.java.net/jeps/260
[jep261]: http://openjdk.java.net/jeps/261
[jep282]: http://openjdk.java.net/jeps/282

FC Extension Request The overall JDK module graph has been very stable for some time. We expect at most minor changes due to JSR EG review and, perhaps, due to further changes in the module system itself (JEP 261). Such changes would have fairly low impact on test development and carry little risk. Estimated completion: 2016/9/1

With JDK-8044773 resolved, only the `jdk` package is being exported by the base module. The open issues section has been update to reflect this.