JDK-8050428 : JavaFX client authentication dialog is not a JavaFX-based dialog
  • Type: Bug
  • Component: deploy
  • Sub-Component: javafx
  • Affected Version: 8u20
  • Priority: P2
  • Status: Resolved
  • Resolution: Fixed
  • OS: os_x
  • CPU: x86_64
  • Submitted: 2014-07-15
  • Updated: 2015-01-21
  • Resolved: 2014-07-21
The Version table provides details related to the release that this issue/RFE will be addressed.

Unresolved : Release in which this issue/RFE will be addressed.
Resolved: Release in which this issue/RFE has been resolved.
Fixed : Release in which this issue/RFE has been fixed. The release containing this fix may be available for download as an Early Access Release or a General Availability Release.

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8u20Fixed 9Fixed
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JDK-8051772 :  
When loading a JavaFX application that requires client http basic authentication, the authenticated pop-up dialog expected to be a JavaFX-based dilaog, but it does not appear to be the case  (still java-based dialog)

*** Tested Configuration:
- x64 Mac OS X 10.9
- jre 8u20-b22

*** Steps to reproduce:
0) On Mac machine, install jre 8u20-b22
1) Add http://mossad.us.oracle.com:8080/ to the Exception Site List
2) Use Safari or Firefox to load the test applet:
3) There is going to be authenticated pop-up dialog from the browser. Enter User name as "jituB" and password as "jitu20" 
4) Click on link "Webstart: click to launch this app as webstart" . There should be authenticated pop-up 

Expected:  A  JavaFX-based dialog  with title "Authentication Required" 
Actual: A Java-based dialog  with title "Authentication Required" 
(see screenshot for detail)

8u20 bundles for verification - http://sthjprt.se.oracle.com/archives/2014/07/2014-07-22-180753.dcherepanov.pit/bundles it's based on 8u20 b23 + two patches: 8050428 & 8051494 8051494 is missing part of 8050428 and it should be tested together

backed out change. 3faa941303e0

SQE-OK to take this fix for 8u20

request to back out Chris's Parfait fix: we need to revert his change to fix this regression in 8u20.

I've investigated this bug and decided it is best to back it out. The original change is a multiple parfait warning fixes that are all related. I have confirmed that the regression caused by this parfait fix happens on both Windows and Mac, have not verified on Linux just because I can't tell the difference between a swing dialog and Java FX dialog with the gnome UI, but I suspect the problem is there to. The reason for backing out the change is because of time, priorities and risk. The change has side effects between two distinctly different areas in the code which are unrelated which is scary, so the change needs to be gone over more meticulously. I can do this better with a bit more time as this obviously is not something to be rushed. The parfait fixes are memory leaks which also are good but they are not catastrophic because the javaws process runs and spawns Java and then terminates. So these are not terrible memory leaks.

https://java.se.oracle.com/code/cru/CR-JDK8UDEV-50 Review to back out the change.

Chris is more familiar with the changes in launcher code, reassigning to Chris for further evaluation.

Deploy should use Prism graphics stack for FX apps and AWT graphics stack for non-FX apps. The feature is broken and it's a regression in 8u20, raising the priority to P2.

seems like this is a regression of the patch for https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8039051 here's my steps to find the patch that causes this issue 1) update deploy repo so that the state of the repo is before the patch for 8039051 hg update -r b31bbffe3439 re-build deploy workspace and replace installed deploy.dll and javaws launcher with new ones run the test and also run process explorer - the command line of the running process is javaw.exe ��� -Djnlp.tk=jfx ��� Problem isn't reproducible and Prism graphics stack is used as expected 2) apply the patch for 8039051 hg update -r 35c8682439e2 re-build workspace and replace binaries run the test and the command line of the running process is javaw.exe ��� -Dsun.awt.warmup=true ... The problem is reproducible and AWT graphics stack is used for FX app. The patch for 8039051 changes the native launcher code and it seems like after the changes FX supported isn't detected properly.

Looks like this is a regression of a change in 8u20 b09 and the default AWT implementation of UIToolkit is used for FX application.

Affected Tests: httpAuthenticationScenarios/testHTTPDigestAuthenticationSavePassword httpAuthenticationScenarios/testHTTPBasicAuthenticationSavePassword