JDK-8049382 : Script to aid porting of patches between JDK 9 and JDK 8u
  • Type: Task
  • Component: infrastructure
  • Priority: P3
  • Status: Resolved
  • Resolution: Fixed
  • Submitted: 2014-07-05
  • Updated: 2016-01-06
  • Resolved: 2014-08-08
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Restructuring the source code to be organized by module will create a challenge for back porting. We need a script that will convert the paths in an exported change-set or patch to the paths in the 8u forest.
Script instructions: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~chegar/docs/portingScript.html

The script can be found in the top-level repository at, common/bin/unshuffle_patch.sh $ bash common/bin/unshuffle_patch.sh --help Usage: common/bin/unshuffle_patch.sh [-h|--help] [-v|--verbose] <repo> <input_patch> <output_patch> where: <repo> is one of: corba, jaxp, jaxws, jdk, langtools, nashorn [Note: patches from other repos do not need updating] <input_patch> is the input patch file, that needs shuffling/unshuffling <output_patch> is the updated patch file The script is capable of taking a patch exported from JDK 8u and updating it to the appropriate JDK 9 new source locations. It is also capable of the reverse, taking a patch exported from JDK 9, with the new source locations, and updating it to the appropriate old JDK 8u source locations. To help correctly identify the set of rules that determine the new/old source locations, the script requires that the repository from which the patch was exported be given as an argument. Providing an incorrect value will produce a, possibly, bad updated patch.

Pushed to the jigsaw/stage forest: http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jigsaw/stage/rev/7b9fd78f2381

Discussed this task with Chris further today. Handed over some java tool code and "rules" created so far. He's going to look into re-using the shuffle scripts that were used earlier in the Jigsaw project. Re-assigning.