JDK-8046118 : JEP 128: Unicode BCP 47 Locale Matching
  • Type: JEP
  • Component: core-libs
  • Sub-Component: java.util:i18n
  • Priority: P4
  • Status: Closed
  • Resolution: Delivered
  • Fix Versions: 8
  • Submitted: 2011-07-15
  • Updated: 2017-10-23
  • Resolved: 2016-06-23
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Define APIs so that applications that use BCP 47 language tags (see
[RFC 5646][rfc5646]) can match them to a user's language preferences in a
way that conforms to [RFC 4647][rfc4647].


It's a common scenario across applications, platforms, and/or protocols to need
to specify a set of language tags (i.e., a range of languages), and match a
given language tag against such a set, e.g., a user's preferred set of
languages.  Java SE 8 will provide a full BCP 47 implementation according to
[RFC 5646][rfc5646].


Implement the functionality defined in [RFC 4647][rfc4647], whose description
is as follows:

> This document describes a syntax, called a "language-range", for specifying
> items in a user's list of language preferences.  It also describes different
> mechanisms for comparing and matching these to language tags.  Two kinds of
> matching mechanisms, filtering and lookup, are defined.  Filtering produces a
> (potentially empty) set of language tags, whereas lookup produces a single
> language tag.  Possible applications include language negotiation or content
> selection.

The basic ideas of the API to be proposed are:

  1. Implement the Language Range with a `Collection<String>`, and the Language
     Priority List with a `List<String>`.

  2. Provide a few methods that implement the following:

      - Basic filtering: Take the Basic Language Range and the Language Priority
        List, and returning the filtered set of Language Tags.
      - Extended filtering: Take the Extended Language Range and the Language
        Priority List, and return the filtered set of Language Tags.
      - Lookup: Take the Basic Language Range and the Language Priority List,
        and return the best matched Language Tag.

Example: Here's a person who speaks Japanese("ja") as mother tongue,
English("en") and German("de") as the second languages.  He lives in Japan.
And, here's an application which happens to have localization resource data for
English, French, New Caledonian Javanese, and Japanese.

The above situation could be expressed like this with the new API:

    /* Basic language ranges for this user's language priority list: 
     *   ja-JP: Japanese used in Japan
     *   en-jp: English used in Japan
     *   de-JP: German used in Japan
     * The order expresses the priority of each language for the user.
     * Note that each sub tag (e.g. "jp") are case insensitive and used after
     * normalization.
    List<String> list1 = Arrays.asList("ja-JP", "en-jp", "de-JP");

    /* Extended language ranges for this user's language priority list: 
     *   ja-*-JP: Japanese used in Japan
     *   en-*-jp: English used in Japan
     *   de-*-JP: German used in Japan
     * The order expresses the priority of each language for the user.
     * Note that each sub tag (e.g. "jp") are case insensitive and used after
     * normalization.
    List<String> list2 = Arrays.asList("ja-*-JP", "en-*-jp", "de-*-JP");

    /* The app's language ranges:
     *   en-US: English used in the USA
     *   en-JP: Japanese used in the USA
     *   fr-FR: French used in France,
     *   de-de: German used in Germany
     *   de-CH: German used in Switzerland
     *   de-jp: German used in Japan
     *   jas-JP: New Caledonian Javanese used in Japan
     *   ja-US: Japanese used in the USA
     */  ja-Latn-JP: Japanese used in Japan, written in Latin alphabet
    Collection<String> ranges =
        Arrays.asList("en-US", "en-JP", "fr-FR", "de-DE", "de-CH", "de-JP",
                      "ja-US", "jas-JP", "ja-Latn-JP");

    // Matching 1: Basic filtering returns a list of "en-JP" and
    // "de-JP".
    List<Locale> tags1 = Locale.filterBasic(list1, ranges);

    // Matching 2: Extended filtering returns a list of "ja-Latn-JP",
    // "en-JP", and "de-JP".
    List<Locale> tags2 = Locale.filterExtended(list2, ranges);

    // Matching 3: Look up returns "en-JP".
    Locale locale = Locale.lookup(list1, ranges);

Note that the API introduced here is a draft and may be changed later.

[rfc4647]: http://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc4647.txt
[rfc5646]: http://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc5646.txt