JDK-8042950 : JEP 110: HTTP/2 Client (Incubator)
  • Type: JEP
  • Component: core-libs
  • Sub-Component: java.net
  • Priority: P1
  • Status: Closed
  • Resolution: Delivered
  • Fix Versions: 9
  • Submitted: 2014-05-12
  • Updated: 2022-05-31
  • Resolved: 2017-06-07
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Define a new HTTP client API that implements HTTP/2 and WebSocket, and
can replace the legacy `HttpURLConnection` API.  The API will be
delivered as an incubator module, as defined in
[JEP 11](http://openjdk.java.net/jeps/11), with JDK 9.  This implies:

  - The API and implementation will not be part of Java SE.

  - The API will live under the jdk.incubtor namespace.

  - The module will not resolve by default at compile or run time.


The existing `HttpURLConnection` API and its implementation have numerous

  - The base `URLConnection` API was designed with multiple protocols in
    mind, nearly all of which are now defunct (`ftp`, `gopher`, etc.).

  - The API predates HTTP/1.1 and is too abstract.

  - It is hard to use, with many undocumented behaviors.

  - It works in blocking mode only (i.e., one thread per

  - It is very hard to maintain.


  - Must be easy to use for common cases, including a simple blocking

  - Must provide notification of events such as "headers received",
    errors, and "response body received".  This notification is not necessarily
    based on callbacks but can use an asynchronous mechanism like

  - A simple and concise API which caters for 80-90% of application
    needs.  This probably means a relatively small API footprint 
    that does not necessarily expose all the
    capabilities of the protocol.

  - Must expose all relevant aspects of the HTTP protocol request to a
    server, and the response from a server (headers, body, status codes,

  - Must support standard and common authentication mechanisms. This will initially be limited to just Basic authentication.

  - Must be able to easily set up the WebSocket handshake.

  - Must support [HTTP/2](http://http2.github.io/).  (The
    application-level semantics of HTTP/2 are mostly the same as 1.1,
    though the wire protocol is completely different.)

    - Must be able to negotiate an upgrade from 1.1 to 2 (or not), or
      select 2 from the start.

    - Must support server push, i.e., the ability of the server to push
      resources to the client without an explicit request by the client.

  - Must perform security checks consistent with the existing networking

  - Should be friendly towards new language features such as lambda

  - Should be friendly towards embedded-system requirements, in
    particular the avoidance of permanently running timer threads.

  - Must support HTTPS/TLS.

  - Performance requirements for HTTP/1.1:

    - Performance must be on par with the existing `HttpURLConnection`

    - Performance must be on par with the Apache HttpClient library and
      with Netty and Jetty when used as a client API.

    - Memory consumption of the new API must be on par or lower than that
      of `HttpURLConnection`, Apache HttpClient, and Netty and Jetty when
      used as a client API.

  - Performance requirements for HTTP/2:

    - Performance must be better than HTTP/1.1 in the ways expected by
      the new protocol (i.e., in scalability and latency),
      notwithstanding any platform limitations (e.g., TCP segment ack

    - Performance must be on par with Netty and Jetty when used as a
      client API for HTTP/2.

    - Memory consumption of the new API must be on par or lower than when
      using `HttpURLConnection`, Apache HttpClient, and Netty and Jetty
      when used as a client API.

  - Performance comparisons will only be in the context of comparable
    modes of operation, since the new API will emphasise simplicity and
    ease of use over covering all possible use cases,

  - This work is intended for JDK 9.  Some of the code may be re-used by
    Java EE in their implementation of HTTP/2 in the Servlet 4.0 API,
    so only JDK 8 language features and, where possible, APIs will be

  - It is intended that with the benefit of experience using the API
    in JDK 9, it will be possible to standardize the API in Java SE
    under the java.net namespace in JDK 10. When this happens, as part
    of a future JEP, the API will no longer exist as an incubator module.


This API is intended to eventually replace the `HttpURLConnection` API for new code,
but we do not intend immediately to re-implement the old API using the
new API.  This may happen as future work.

Some requirements were considered in earlier versions of this JEP for JDK
8, but they are being left out in order to keep the API as simple as

  - Request/response filtering,
  - A pluggable connection cache, and
  - A general upgrade mechanism.

Some of these requirements, e.g., connection caching, will become less
important with the gradual adoption of HTTP/2.


Some prototyping work has been done for JDK 9 in which separate classes
were defined for the HTTP client, requests, and responses.  The builder
pattern was used to separate mutable entities from the immutable
products.  A synchronous blocking mode is defined for sending and receiving
and an asynchronous mode built on java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture
is also defined.

The prototype was built on NIO SocketChannels with asynchronous
behavior implemented with Selectors and externally provided ExecutorServices.

The prototype implementation was standalone, i.e., the existing stack was
not changed so as to ensure compatibility and allow a phased approach in
which not all functionality must be supported at the start.

The prototype API also included:

  - Separate requests and responses, like the Servlet and HTTP server API;
  - Asynchronous notification of the following events:
    - Response headers received,
    - Response error,
    - Response body received, and
    - Server push (HTTP/2 only);
  - HTTPS, via `SSLEngine`;
  - Proxying;
  - Cookies; and
  - Authentication.

The part of the API most likely to need further work is in the support of
HTTP/2 multi responses (server push) and HTTP/2 configuration.
The prototype implementation supports almost all of HTTP/1.1
but not yet HTTP/2.

HTTP/2 proxying will be implemented in a following change.


A number of existing HTTP client APIs and implementations exist, e.g.,
[Jetty](http://eclipse.org/jetty) and the [Apache HttpClient][apache].
Both of these are both rather heavy-weight in terms of the numbers of
packages and classes, and they don't take advantage of newer language
features such as lambda expressions.


The internal HTTP server will provide a suitable basis for regression and
TCK tests.  Functional tests could use that also, but they may need to
test against real HTTP servers.

[apache]: https://hc.apache.org/httpcomponents-client-ga/

Late feedback has lead to some uncertainity about the API being proposed for standardization through this JEP. It seems prudent to the defer standardization, in the Java SE Platform, until these uncertainties can be resolved. As such, we are proposing to change the scope of this JEP to deliver the API as an incubating feature, as per JEP 11 [1], in JDK 9. [1] http://openjdk.java.net/jeps/11

FC Extension Request The HTTP/2 Client project needs additional time to do small specification amendments and resolve implementation issues, in order to fulfill its requirements. The additional work is as follows: - Examine handling of response body processing in the API so that it can be statically enforced. (low risk) - Update the API mechanism to control back-pressure to use the new reactive-streams modeled java.util.concurrent.Flow API. (low risk) - Resolve a number of functional issues found during SQE test development. (low risk) - Complete performance testing and optimize the implementation for common cases, e.g. simple HTTP GET request. (medium risk) Justification While the API and implementation have been in the mainline repositories for a number of months, two opportunities recently presented themselves that will significantly improve the handling of response bodies and back-pressure. Since these have API impact they must be done in 9, or otherwise not at all. SQE tests run against "real servers" have uncovered a number of functional issues. These must be resolved to claim interoperability. Schedule The proposed integration date is Sep 1, 2016,

ALPN API v3 proposed to security-dev. http://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/security-dev/2015-July/012526.html

According with current scoping, HTTP 2 client may not best present the content. Since we are going to modernize both HTTP 1.1 and HTTP 2.0 support in this APIs, it looks more reasonable with original name "New HTTP Client".

HPACK implementation is based on draft 9: http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-httpbis-header-compression-09

Prototype outline implementation of Http 1.1 is done and being tested. API needs another round of review. Http 2.0 HPACK implementation nearly complete. Remainder of 2.0 not started yet.

Prototype outline implementation of Http 1.1 is done and being tested. API is needs another round of review. 2.0 implementation of HPACK is nearly complete (Pavel).

As stated in the summary ALPN is required.

Why is this listed as a P1?