JDK-8040229 : GetIpAddrTable() in IPv6 only environment causes JCK7 failure
  • Type: Bug
  • Component: core-libs
  • Sub-Component: java.net
  • Affected Version: 7u40
  • Priority: P3
  • Status: Closed
  • Resolution: Won't Fix
  • Submitted: 2014-04-15
  • Updated: 2021-10-15
  • Resolved: 2014-08-20
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When some JCK test item runs under IPv6 environment on PC only with IPv6 
stack, the test item fails with the following exception messages.

java.lang.Error: IP Helper Library GetIpAddrTable function failed

This exception might occur when GetIpAddrTable() called in 
NetworkInterface.getByInetAddress() returns an error.
(please see.\jdk\jdk7u40\jdk\src\windows\native\java\net\NetworkInterface.c)
According to MS page, some paragraph seems to say GetIpAddrTable() is used to
get IPv4 Address Mapping Table, not for IPv6.

Note: On Windows platforms, the IPv4 stack needs to be configured in addition to the IPv6 stack, for the IPv6 stack to work. Removing this restriction will be considered for a later release.

I am removing the tck-red label since the tests do pass when IPv4 is not disabled. This satisfies the requirements of the conformance rules (Chapter 2 of the JCK users guide) based on rule 1.a: If an Operating Mode controls a Resource necessary for the basic execution of the Test Suite, testing may always use a Product Configuration of that Operating Mode providing that Resource, even if other Product Configurations do not provide that Resource. Notwithstanding such exceptions, each Product must have at least one set of Product Configurations of such Operating Modes that is able to pass all the Conformance Tests.

Chris - could you please point us to where it is documented that an IPv6 only config on Windows is not a supported configuration for JDK 7? I am not disagreeing with you, I just want the doc link so that we can avoid this issue in the future. I agree with Alan, issues similar to this come up every few years and it would be good for us to maintain a list of what configurations are not supported.

Actually, test fails on RI (Win 7 Pro x86) with jdk7 b147 as well (crashing). To reproduce the crash one needs to uninstall ipv4 first by running c:\> netsh interface ipv4 uninstall I'm closing this bug since such configuration is not supported.

A minimal test case would be like import java.net.*; public class Test { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { InetAddress ia = InetAddress.getByName("::1"); System.out.println("InetAddress: " + ia); NetworkInterface ni = NetworkInterface.getByInetAddress(ia); System.out.println("NetworkInterface: " + ni); System.out.println("OKAY"); } }