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| 1. Include revisions 1.1 This class only 450930, 542520, 656094, 699688, 1027335 1.2 Multiple classes 371617: XERCESJ-1131 Major New Features to support XSLT 2.0 Validation impl/ impl/dv/ impl/msg/ impl/xs/ jaxp/validation/ jaxp/validation/ jaxp/validation/ parsers/ parsers/ 1400688 impl/ jaxp/validation/ 2. Exclude revisions NA 3. Revisions already in JAXP sources 381134 XERCESJ-1143 Major Propagation of Features from SchemaFactory to Schema/Validator/ValidatorHandler 693496 XERCESJ-1313 Major JAXP 1.4: Support StAXSource as an input to SchemaFactory 713638 XERCESJ-1336 Minor Add a new property for setting the locale used for reporting error messages. 4. Related classes The following classes contain other major changes, so bring in the changes related to XMLSchemaFactory only, that are revision 371617 and 1400688: impl/ impl/dv/ impl/msg/ impl/xs/ parsers/ parsers/ Update the following classes completely: jaxp/validation/ jaxp/validation/ (including XERCESJ-1142) Note: do this before JDK-8036951.