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JDK-8027220 :
Recent changes to in hotspot to support private methods in interfaces resulted in a specified behavioural change such that DefaultMethodsTest previously expected AbstractMethodError but should now expect IncompatibleClassChangeError or successful completion. Additionally, one test should still expect AbstractMethodError but IncompatibleClassChangeError is now incorrectly being thrown. The JDK version of this test (to which this bug initially applied) has been removed. This bug now applies to the matching version in the langtools repo: tools/javac/lambdaShapes/org/openjdk/tests/vm/ Tests in the lambda repo, jdk/lambda/vm/, are also affected. The relevant tests are --- testAmbiguousReabstract current test expects: AME new spec: successful invocation current behavior: ICCE testConflict current test expects: AME new spec: ICCE current behavior: ICCE testSuperConflict current test expects: AME new spec: ICCE current behavior: invocation testSuperDisqual current test expects: AME new spec: successful invocation current behavior: invocation testSuperGenericDisqual current test expects: AME new spec: successful invocation current behavior: invocation testSuperNull current test expects: AME new spec: AME current behavior: ICCE