From Joe Masamitsu, 2013-09-19
This is a draft of the new material.
-XX:MetaspaceSize=<NNN> where <NNN> is the initial amount of space (the initial high-water-mark)
allocated for class metadata (in bytes) that may induce a garbage collection to unload classes.
The amount is approximate. After the high-water-mark is first reached, the next high-water-mark
is managed by the garbage collector. See MinMetaspaceFreeRatio and MaxMetaspaceFreeRatio.
-XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=<NNN> where <NNN> is the maximum amount of space to be allocated
for class metadata (in bytes). This flag can be used to limit the amount of space allocated for class
metadata. This value is approximate. By default there is not limit set.
-XX:MinMetaspaceFreeRatio=<NNN> where <NNN> is the minimum percentage of class metadata
capacity free after a GC to avoid an increase in the amount of space (high-water-mark) allocated
for class metadata that will induce a garbage collection.
-XX:MaxMetaspaceFreeRatio=<NNN> where <NNN> is the maximum percentage of class metadata
capacity free after a GC to avoid a reduction in the amount of space (high-water-mark) allocated
for class metadata that will induce a garbage collection.