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Today the MaxMetaspaceSize flag is neither well-specified nor honored correctly. The suggestion is to make MaxMetaspaceSize limit the committed memory used in both the non-class metaspaces and the compressed class space. Fixed: * Word and Bytes mixing: Remove incorrect usage of Metablock::_overhead (JDK-8024651) * Word and Bytes mixing: Fix MetaspaceAux::reserved_in_bytes() (JDK-8023476) * Word and Bytes mixing: Fix MaxMetaspaceSize check (JDK-8025059) * Keep track of the committed memory in the metaspaces (JDK-8024638) * Make MetaspaceSize limited by MaxMetaspaceSize and not the other way around (JDK-8024650) * Fix our metaspace tracing code, which crashes, writes incorrect values (JDK-8024751, JDK-8024752) * Reflect all this in our metaspace counters and mbean pools. (JDK-8023476, JDK-8023219) * Fix bugs in TraceMetadata* (JDK-8024752) * Log TraceMetadata* output to gclog_or_tty instead of tty (JDK-8024752) * Remove incorrect, unused code (JDK-8024547) * Some renaming to make the code more self-explanatory (JDK-8024547) * Don't over-commit when using large pages, or turn off large pages for the metaspaces. (JDK-8024547) * Don't use min_alignment()/max_alignment() to align MetaspaceSize/MaxMetaspaceSize. (JDK-8024547) * Compare MaxMetaspaceSize against committed memory (JDK-8024547) * Induce GC when compressed class space allocations pass the MaxMetaspaceSize, not only non-class metaspace allocations. (JDK-8024547) * Fix metaspace LowMemory/PeakMemory detector - call MemoryService::track_* when allocating metadata (JDK-8025996) Deferred suggestions: * Stop leaving unused reserved memory in non-class metaspaces * Stop leaving unused committed memory * Make capacity_until_GC limited by MaxMetaspaceSize