JDK-8024327 : Possible improvement of the Lookup Switch implementation in C2
  • Type: Enhancement
  • Component: hotspot
  • Sub-Component: compiler
  • Affected Version: 9,10
  • Priority: P4
  • Status: Closed
  • Resolution: Won't Fix
  • Submitted: 2013-09-05
  • Updated: 2017-04-07
  • Resolved: 2017-04-07
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The C2 lookup switch implementation (using a binary search) seems to have unnecessary compare instructions. Below is a switch case with 16 cases, looking like this in Java code:

public int switch_calculation() {
    int choice = ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(16) + 1;
    switch (choice) {
      case  1: return 5;
      case  2: return 1;
      case  3: return 2;
      case  4: return 16;
      case  5: return 11;
      case  6: return 13;
      case  7: return 10;
      case  8: return 14;
      case  9: return 3;
      case 10: return 4;
      case 11: return 6;
      case 12: return 15;
      case 13: return 10;
      case 14: return 8;
      case 15: return 9;
      case 16: return 7;
      default: return 0;

And the x64 assembly, I've pointed out some of the places for improvement by comment ";HERE". 

[Verified Entry Point]
  0x00007f34fd071700: mov    %eax,-0x14000(%rsp)  
  0x00007f34fd071707: push   %rbp                 

  0x00007f34fd071708: sub    $0x10,%rsp     

  0x00007f34fd07170c: mov    0x1b8(%r15),%rcx   ;*invokestatic currentThread                 
                                                ; - java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom::current@3 (line 177)
                                                ; - org.sample.MyBenchmark::switch_calculation@0 (line 37)
  0x00007f34fd071713: mov    0xf0(%rcx), %r10d

  0x00007f34fd07171a: test   %r10d,%r10d      
  0x00007f34fd07171d: je     0x00007f34fd071912  ;*getstatic instance
                                                ; - java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom::current@18 (line 179)
                                                ; - org.sample.MyBenchmark::switch_calculation@0 (line 37)

  0x00007f34fd071723: mov    $0x5deece66d,%r10 
  0x00007f34fd07172d: imul   0xe8(%rcx),%r10
  0x00007f34fd071735: add    $0xb,%r10          ;*ladd
                                                ; - java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom::next@28 (line 198)
                                                ; - java.util.Random::nextInt@40 (line 311)
                                                ; - org.sample.MyBenchmark::switch_calculation@5 (line 37)

  0x00007f34fd071739: mov    %r10,%r11
  0x00007f34fd07173c: shr    $0x11,%r11
  0x00007f34fd071740: and    $0x7fffffff,%r11
  0x00007f34fd071747: mov    %r11d,%ebx         ;*l2i  ; - java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom::next@44 (line 199)
                                                ; - java.util.Random::nextInt@40 (line 311)
                                                ; - org.sample.MyBenchmark::switch_calculation@5 (line 37)

  0x00007f34fd07174a: movslq %ebx,%r11
  0x00007f34fd07174d: mov    %ebx,%r8d
  0x00007f34fd071750: sar    $0x1f,%r8d
  0x00007f34fd071754: imul   $0x78787879,%r11,%r11
  0x00007f34fd07175b: sar    $0x23,%r11
  0x00007f34fd07175f: mov    %r11d,%r11d
  0x00007f34fd071762: sub    %r8d,%r11d
  0x00007f34fd071765: mov    %r11d,%r8d
  0x00007f34fd071768: shl    $0x4,%r8d
  0x00007f34fd07176c: add    %r11d,%r8d
  0x00007f34fd07176f: mov    %ebx,%r9d
  0x00007f34fd071772: sub    %r8d,%r9d          ;*irem
                                                ; - java.util.Random::nextInt@46 (line 312)
                                                ; - org.sample.MyBenchmark::switch_calculation@5 (line 37)

  0x00007f34fd071775: sub    %r9d,%ebx
  0x00007f34fd071778: add    $0x10,%ebx
  0x00007f34fd07177b: mov    $0xffffffffffff,%rdi
  0x00007f34fd071785: and    %rdi,%r10
  0x00007f34fd071788: mov    %r10,0xe8(%rcx)    ;*invokevirtual putLong
                                                ; - java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom::next@35 (line 197)
                                                ; - java.util.Random::nextInt@40 (line 311)
                                                ; - org.sample.MyBenchmark::switch_calculation@5 (line 37)

  0x00007f34fd07178f: test   %ebx,%ebx
  0x00007f34fd071791: jl     0x00007f34fd0718a0  ;*iload_3
                                                ; - java.util.Random::nextInt@58 (line 314)
                                                ; - org.sample.MyBenchmark::switch_calculation@5 (line 37)

  0x00007f34fd071797: inc    %r9d               ;*iadd
                                                ; - org.sample.MyBenchmark::switch_calculation@9 (line 37)
  0x00007f34fd07179a: cmp    $0x9,%r9d
  0x00007f34fd07179e: je     0x00007f34fd071888

  0x00007f34fd0717a4: mov    $0xa,%eax

  0x00007f34fd0717a9: cmp    $0x9,%r9d
  0x00007f34fd0717ad: jg     0x00007f34fd071827

  0x00007f34fd0717af: cmp    $0x4,%r9d
  0x00007f34fd0717b3: je     0x00007f34fd071820
  ; HERE
  0x00007f34fd0717b5: cmp    $0x4,%r9d
  0x00007f34fd0717b9: jg     0x00007f34fd0717f2

  0x00007f34fd0717bb: cmp    $0x2,%r9d
  0x00007f34fd0717bf: je     0x00007f34fd0717e8
  ; HERE
  0x00007f34fd0717c1: cmp    $0x2,%r9d
  0x00007f34fd0717c5: jg     0x00007f34fd0717de

  0x00007f34fd0717c7: cmp    $0x1,%r9d
  0x00007f34fd0717cb: jne    0x00007f34fd0717d7  ;*tableswitch
                                                ; - org.sample.MyBenchmark::switch_calculation@12 (line 39)

  0x00007f34fd0717cd: mov    $0x5,%eax
  0x00007f34fd0717d2: jmpq   0x00007f34fd07188d  ;*iconst_0
                                                ; - org.sample.MyBenchmark::switch_calculation@142 (line 58)
  0x00007f34fd0717d7: xor    %eax,%eax
  0x00007f34fd0717d9: jmpq   0x00007f34fd07188d

  0x00007f34fd0717de: mov    $0x2,%eax
  0x00007f34fd0717e3: jmpq   0x00007f34fd07188d
  0x00007f34fd0717e8: mov    $0x1,%eax
  0x00007f34fd0717ed: jmpq   0x00007f34fd07188d
  0x00007f34fd0717f2: cmp    $0x7,%r9d
  0x00007f34fd0717f6: je     0x00007f34fd07188d
  ; HERE
  0x00007f34fd0717fc: cmp    $0x7,%r9d

  0x00007f34fd071800: jle    0x00007f34fd07180c
  0x00007f34fd071802: mov    $0xe,%eax
  0x00007f34fd071807: jmpq   0x00007f34fd07188d
  0x00007f34fd07180c: cmp    $0x6,%r9d
  0x00007f34fd071810: jne    0x00007f34fd071819
  0x00007f34fd071812: mov    $0x11,%eax
  0x00007f34fd071817: jmp    0x00007f34fd07188d
  0x00007f34fd071819: mov    $0xb,%eax
  0x00007f34fd07181e: jmp    0x00007f34fd07188d
  0x00007f34fd071820: mov    $0x10,%eax
  0x00007f34fd071825: jmp    0x00007f34fd07188d
  0x00007f34fd071827: cmp    $0xe,%r9d
  0x00007f34fd07182b: je     0x00007f34fd071881
  ; HERE
  0x00007f34fd07182d: cmp    $0xe,%r9d

  0x00007f34fd071831: jle    0x00007f34fd07185a
  0x00007f34fd071833: cmp    $0x11,%r9d
  0x00007f34fd071837: je     0x00007f34fd071853
    ; HERE
  0x00007f34fd071839: cmp    $0x11,%r9d
  0x00007f34fd07183d: jg     0x00007f34fd0717d7
  0x00007f34fd07183f: cmp    $0x10,%r9d
  0x00007f34fd071843: jne    0x00007f34fd07184c
  0x00007f34fd071845: mov    $0x7,%eax
  0x00007f34fd07184a: jmp    0x00007f34fd07188d
  0x00007f34fd07184c: mov    $0x9,%eax
  0x00007f34fd071851: jmp    0x00007f34fd07188d
  0x00007f34fd071853: mov    $0xd,%eax
  0x00007f34fd071858: jmp    0x00007f34fd07188d

  0x00007f34fd07185a: cmp    $0xc,%r9d
  0x00007f34fd07185e: je     0x00007f34fd07187a
  ; HERE
  0x00007f34fd071860: cmp    $0xc,%r9d
  0x00007f34fd071864: jg     0x00007f34fd07188d

  0x00007f34fd071866: cmp    $0xb,%r9d
  0x00007f34fd07186a: jne    0x00007f34fd071873  ;*tableswitch
                                                ; - org.sample.MyBenchmark::switch_calculation@12 (line 39)

  0x00007f34fd07186c: mov    $0x6,%eax
  0x00007f34fd071871: jmp    0x00007f34fd07188d
  0x00007f34fd071873: mov    $0x4,%eax
  0x00007f34fd071878: jmp    0x00007f34fd07188d
  0x00007f34fd07187a: mov    $0xf,%eax
  0x00007f34fd07187f: jmp    0x00007f34fd07188d
  0x00007f34fd071881: mov    $0x8,%eax
  0x00007f34fd071886: jmp    0x00007f34fd07188d
  0x00007f34fd071888: mov    $0x3,%eax          ;*invokestatic currentThread
                                                ; - java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom::current@3 (line 177)
                                                ; - org.sample.MyBenchmark::switch_calculation@0 (line 37)

  0x00007f34fd07188d: add    $0x10,%rsp
  0x00007f34fd071891: pop    %rbp
  0x00007f34fd071892: test   %eax,0xbfb0768(%rip) # 0x00007f3509022000 ;   {poll_return}
  0x00007f34fd071898: retq

  0x00007f34fd071899: nopl   0x0(%rax)          ;*aload_0
                                                ; - java.util.Random::nextInt@37 (line 311)
                                                ; - org.sample.MyBenchmark::switch_calculation@5 (line 37)

  0x00007f34fd0718a0: mov    $0x5deece66d,%r10
  0x00007f34fd0718aa: imul   0xe8(%rcx),%r10
  0x00007f34fd0718b2: add    $0xb,%r10          ;*ladd
                                                ; - java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom::next@28 (line 198)
                                                ; - java.util.Random::nextInt@40 (line 311)
                                                ; - org.sample.MyBenchmark::switch_calculation@5 (line 37)

  0x00007f34fd0718b6: mov    %r10,%r11
  0x00007f34fd0718b9: and    %rdi,%r11
  0x00007f34fd0718bc: mov    %r11,0xe8(%rcx)    ;*iflt
                                                ; - java.util.Random::nextInt@55 (line 313)
                                                ; - org.sample.MyBenchmark::switch_calculation@5 (line 37)

  0x00007f34fd0718c3: shr    $0x11,%r10
  0x00007f34fd0718c7: and    $0x7fffffff,%r10
  0x00007f34fd0718ce: mov    %r10d,%r11d        ;*l2i  ; - java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom::next@44 (line 199)
                                                ; - java.util.Random::nextInt@40 (line 311)
                                                ; - org.sample.MyBenchmark::switch_calculation@5 (line 37)

  0x00007f34fd0718d1: movslq %r11d,%r10
  0x00007f34fd0718d4: mov    %r11d,%r8d
  0x00007f34fd0718d7: sar    $0x1f,%r8d
  0x00007f34fd0718db: imul   $0x78787879,%r10,%r10
  0x00007f34fd0718e2: sar    $0x23,%r10
  0x00007f34fd0718e6: mov    %r10d,%r10d
  0x00007f34fd0718e9: sub    %r8d,%r10d
  0x00007f34fd0718ec: mov    %r10d,%ebx
  0x00007f34fd0718ef: shl    $0x4,%ebx
  0x00007f34fd0718f2: add    %r10d,%ebx
  0x00007f34fd0718f5: mov    %r11d,%r9d
  0x00007f34fd0718f8: sub    %ebx,%r9d          ;*irem
                                                ; - java.util.Random::nextInt@46 (line 312)
                                                ; - org.sample.MyBenchmark::switch_calculation@5 (line 37)

  0x00007f34fd0718fb: sub    %r9d,%r11d
  0x00007f34fd0718fe: add    $0x10,%r11d        ; OopMap{rcx=Oop off=546}
                                                ; - java.util.Random::nextInt@55 (line 313)
                                                ; - org.sample.MyBenchmark::switch_calculation@5 (line 37)

  0x00007f34fd071902: test   %eax,0xbfb06f8(%rip)        # 0x00007f3509022000
                                                ;   {poll}
  0x00007f34fd071908: test   %r11d,%r11d
  0x00007f34fd07190b: jl     0x00007f34fd0718a0  ;*iflt
                                                ; - java.util.Random::nextInt@55 (line 313)
                                                ; - org.sample.MyBenchmark::switch_calculation@5 (line 37)

  0x00007f34fd07190d: jmpq   0x00007f34fd071797
  0x00007f34fd071912: nop
  0x00007f34fd071913: callq  0x00007f34fd037f60  ; OopMap{off=568}
                                                ;*invokestatic localInit
                                                ; - java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom::current@15 (line 178)
                                                ; - org.sample.MyBenchmark::switch_calculation@0 (line 37)
                                                ;   {static_call}
  0x00007f34fd071918: mov    0x1b8(%r15),%rcx   ;*invokestatic currentThread
                                                ; - java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom::next@3 (line 197)
                                                ; - java.util.Random::nextInt@40 (line 311)
                                                ; - org.sample.MyBenchmark::switch_calculation@5 (line 37)

  0x00007f34fd07191f: jmpq   0x00007f34fd071723  ;*invokestatic localInit
                                                ; - java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom::current@15 (line 178)
                                                ; - org.sample.MyBenchmark::switch_calculation@0 (line 37)

  0x00007f34fd071924: mov    %rax,%rsi
  0x00007f34fd071927: add    $0x10,%rsp
  0x00007f34fd07192b: pop    %rbp
  0x00007f34fd07192c: jmpq   0x00007f34fd0638a0  ;   {runtime_call}

This has only been tested for x86, SPARC might also suffer from this.

See src/share/vm/opto/parse2.cpp, near the comments "generate decision tree, using trichotomy when possible" and "two comparisons of same values--should enable 1 test for 2 branches". The switch decision logic is preconditioned to allow two jumps to use one compare instruction. But in order to reuse a compare result in two places, we would need to assign it a register and track its liveness. In addition, we would need to be able to spill and load condition codes to stack slots. To avoid these complexities, the C2 compiler simply treats condition code generation instructions as akin to constant-loading instructions; it always splits them. See special-casing for Op_RegFlags. Thus, the same compare instruction node gets duplicated, even if the IR "knows" it is the same instruction. We can probably force some sort of peephole logic to cover the cases observed in this bug. There is a possible hazard with this, however. On some platforms, back-to-back jumps may interfere with each other, by over-packing per-cache-line branch profile logic. Also, on some platforms that have fused compare-and-branch instructions, the peephole logic would have to be suppressed if the fused instructions are better.