While trying out various solutions for 8009536, I obtained the following crash when running the test case with parallel reference processing enabled:
[junit4:junit4] # To suppress the following error report, specify this argument
[junit4:junit4] # after -XX: or in .hotspotrc: SuppressErrorAt=/concurrentMark.cpp:809
[junit4:junit4] #
[junit4:junit4] # A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
[junit4:junit4] #
[junit4:junit4] # Internal Error (/export/workspaces/8009536_3/src/share/vm/gc_implementation/g1/concurrentMark.cpp:809), pid=16314, tid=14
[junit4:junit4] # assert(_finger == _heap_end) failed: only way to get here
[junit4:junit4] #
[junit4:junit4] # JRE version: Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (8.0-b79) (build 1.8.0-ea-fastdebug-b79)
[junit4:junit4] # Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM (25.0-b23-internal-jvmg mixed mode solaris-x86 )
[junit4:junit4] # Core dump written. Default location: /export/bugs/8009536/lucene-5.0-2013-03-05_15-37-06/build/analysis/uima/test/J0/core or core.16314
[junit4:junit4] #
[junit4:junit4] # An error report file with more information is saved as:
[junit4:junit4] # /export/bugs/8009536/lucene-5.0-2013-03-05_15-37-06/build/analysis/uima/test/J0/hs_err_pid16314.log
[junit4:junit4] #
[junit4:junit4] # If you would like to submit a bug report, please visit:
[junit4:junit4] # http://bugreport.sun.com/bugreport/crash.jsp
[junit4:junit4] #
[junit4:junit4] Current thread is 14
[junit4:junit4] Dumping core ...