JDK-8005410 : bad mozilla plugin registry entry after 7u10 is installed
  • Type: Bug
  • Component: deploy
  • Priority: P2
  • Status: Closed
  • Resolution: Fixed
  • Submitted: 2012-12-21
  • Updated: 2013-04-06
  • Resolved: 2013-01-04
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Resolved: Release in which this issue/RFE has been resolved.
Fixed : Release in which this issue/RFE has been fixed. The release containing this fix may be available for download as an Early Access Release or a General Availability Release.

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7u21 b02Fixed 8Fixed
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see last few comments in :  http://javafx-jira.kenai.com/browse/RT-27117

need to work with submitter in rt-27117 to find out how to reproduce the bug.

Description: Upon completion of Java 7u10 installation, Firefox shows a message "A plugin is needed to display this content. Install Plugin"

 Steps to reproduce:
 1. Have a JRE and a standalone version of JavaFX installed
 2. Install Java 7u10 from Java.com
 3. Got to http://www.java.com/en/download/testjava.jsp to verify installation
 4. A message displays "A plugin is needed to display this content. Install Plugin"
 5. Proceed to install the plugin by clicking on "Install Plugin" 

Workaround: Uninstall standalone version(s) of JavaFX

Reproduced the issue using 7u5 b06, FX 2.2.1 b04, 7u10 b18 No issue in 7u21 b05

Resolution ========================================= This bug is fixed in 7u21. The fix will also be included in all releases after 7u21. Workaround for 7u21 and prior: Uninstall standalone version(s) of JavaFX

yes - fix should take care of ssv/jp2ssv as well. the fix is building in our 7u12 team nightly now (dated jan 4 or later) http://rehudson.sfbay.sun.com:8080/hudson/user/in81039/my-views/view/7u%20nightly/job/deploy-1-prebuild/ you can try it out when build is ready.

This same registration issue applies to ssv and jp2ssv as well

problem: 7u5 + FX 2.1.1 installed first. Install 7u10 -> this will cause plugin registration problem. It will still reigstered FX 2.1.1 plugin as default. In some case we still use plain strcmp to compare deploy version string. But it will not work for cases like 10.5.2 against 10.10.2 - it will think 10.5.2 is newer. fix: Use compareVersions function - which compare each portion of the version string separately. testcase: Reproduce the above problem, replace deploy.dll and use ssvagent.exe -forceinstall -register -new -high to make sure registry is corrected. webrev: http://sa.sfbay.sun.com/mail-archive/8005410-deployment/

As long as there is another version of older 7uX (10.x.x.) plugin exists in the system before the install of 7u10 - and after the install of 7u10, there will still be two or more 7uX plugin in the system, the problem will happen. For example, 7u5 + FX 2.1.1 -> this will have two versions of plugin, 10.5.2 and 10.5.1. Now you upgrade to 7u10. By default, upgrade to 7u10 is patch in place. That's why 7u5 to 7u10 is okay because it's patch in place by default -> only one plugin left after upgrade. But if you have both 7u5 and FX 2.1.1 -> the system after upgrade to 7u10 has plugin 10.10.2 and 10.5.1. We should register 10.10.2 as default - but due to this bug in 7u10 deploy code, we used 10.5.1. Uninstall 10.5.1 (FX 2.1.1) will fix the problem - because only 7u10 is left behind. So for workaround - as long as only 7u10 is the only 7u JREs left behind in the system and no standalone javafx installation left, it will work.

Questions: Which versions of 7 are applicable? Any 7 release that shipped with a standalone FX? If 6uX is installed with FX 2.1.1 and then upgraded (manual and or AU) to 7u10 or 7u11 will this conflict be seen?

I can reproduce it now! At least with this setup: 7u5 + FX 2.1.1 installed first. Install 7u10 -> this will cause plugin registration problem. Looks like we have a bug in deploy registration code to handle this case. Plugin from 2.1.1 is still being registered as fault. I need to debug more to find out the problem. In my case, uninstall of FX 2.1.1 will correct the problem and bring back 7u10 as default plugin. Also, 7u5 upgrade to 7u10 works okay for me. (no FX 2.1.1 standalone install) 7u10 plugin gets registered correctly.