Run an FX app (e.g. HelloRectangle toy) with J2D:
java -Dprism.order=j2d -cp /jfx/artifacts/sdk/rt/lib/jfxrt.jar:dist/HelloWorld.jar helloworld.HelloRectangle
Java will crash after closing the application.
1. This happens with both latest Oracle JDK Mac Port build, as well as the latest Java update for Apple JDK.
2. This isn't happening with older builds of Oracle Mac Port (e.g. I've tried a build from early Dec 2011 and it won't crash; I assume that older Apple JDKs didn't crash either since the problem manifested itself only now).
More details:
The crash log:
Stack: [7fff65055000,7fff65855000], sp=7fff658523e0, free space=8180k
Native frames: (J=compiled Java code, j=interpreted, Vv=VM code, C=native code)
V [libjvm.dylib+0x27f3ae] ThreadStateTransition::trans_from_native(JavaThreadState)+0xa
V [libjvm.dylib+0x277a19] jni_CallStaticVoidMethodV+0x3d
C [JavaNativeFoundation+0x3c20] JNFCallStaticVoidMethod+0xae
C [liblwawt.dylib+0xde46] setBusy+0x79
C [CoreFoundation+0x63b36] __CFRunLoopDoObservers+0x176
C [CoreFoundation+0x38dd6] __CFRunLoopRun+0x426
C [CoreFoundation+0x38676] CFRunLoopRunSpecific+0xe6
C [java+0x5cb4] CreateExecutionEnvironment+0x349
C [java+0x37b8] JLI_Launch+0x78d
C [java+0x7a30] main+0x6c
C [java+0x13f4] start+0x34