Changes for CR 6924489 were delivered to 5u24-rev b07 workspace.
Around the same time, a fix for 6837847 was delivered to 5.0u25b02 workspace.
However, this pkcs11 workspace did not contain the 6924489 fix and that fix has been lost since then.
The 5.0u24-rev and 5.0u25 pkcs11 workspaces (which reside on the security code server) need to be synced up and a 5.0u29 pkcs11 build needs to be created and integrated into 5.0u29 (next available 5.0 integration slot) - No other changes have been made in 5.0 pkcs11 workspace since 6837847 (5.0u25 timeframe).
RE have sync'ed the workspaces and built 5.0u29 sunpkcs11.jar. I'll integrate this to the j2se workspace.