JDK-7012113 : IMFTest/IMFInputContextTest failed on Windows.
  • Type: Bug
  • Component: client-libs
  • Sub-Component: java.awt:i18n
  • Affected Version: 6u51,7,9
  • Priority: P4
  • Status: Closed
  • Resolution: Won't Fix
  • OS: windows_vista
  • CPU: generic
  • Submitted: 2011-01-13
  • Updated: 2024-04-12
  • Resolved: 2017-07-31
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Native string should not be entered in Non Client.In other words, the IM shoud not work on Non Client. For my understanding, this is native string in German: üüpü+#äö and can be entered in Non Client.
This is reproducible for zh_CN as well. The steps to reproduce.
1. invoke IMFTest/IMFInputContextTest
2. type something in the panel of "passive(or active) client - private context"
3. move to the non-client panel
4. invoke Chinese IM
BUG: it's able to preedit and commit Chinese characters in non-client panel.

1. if "passive(or active) client - private context" is not focused. The non-client behavior is correct as expected. For this test case, moving mouse into the panel invokes the Focus event, so need to be careful when testing.
2. "passive(or active) client - default context" doesn't impact non-client.
3. only reproducible on Windows.

Will not fix, this issue was observed and reported on a platform that is no longer supported . If this is still important, please do raise a new defect.

The issue exist on Win7-x64/de_DE/JDK9b179

Solaris11.3-x64/de/7u151b07:there is same issue :it's able to preedit and commit German characters in non-client panel RULE "GS-Manual/IMFInputContextTest" ExitCode

Windows 8.1 x86/de/8u141b06:there is same issue:it's able to preedit and commit German characters in non-client panel RULE "GS-Manual/IMFInputContextTest" ExitCode

Windows 8.1 x86/de/7u151b06:there is same issue:it's able to preedit and commit German characters in non-client panel RULE "GS-Manual/IMFInputContextTest" ExitCode

Win7-x64/zh_CN/jdk9b152:there is same issue:it's able to preedit and commit Chinese characters in non-client panel RULE "GS-Manual/IMFInputContextTest" ExitCode -1 Win10-x64/de/jdk9b152:there is same issue:it's able to preedit and commit German characters in non-client panel RULE "GS-Manual/IMFInputContextTest" ExitCode -1

Win10-x64/ja/jdk9b151:there is same issue:it's able to preedit and commit Japanese characters in non-client panel RULE "GS-Manual/IMFInputContextTest" ExitCode -1 Mac10.11-x64/de/jdk9b151:there is same issue:it's able to preedit and commit German characters in non-client panel RULE "GS-Manual/IMFInputContextTest" ExitCode -1

Win8.1-x64/JA/jdk9b150:there is same issue : it's able to preedit and commit Japanese characters in non-client panel RULE "GS-Manual/IMFInputContextTest" ExitCode -1 Solaris11.3-x64/DE/9b150:there is same issue : it's able to preedit and commit German characters in non-client panel RULE "GS-Manual/IMFInputContextTest" ExitCode -1 Win10-x64/zh_CN/jdk9b150:there is same issue : it's able to preedit and commit Chinese characters in non-client panel RULE "GS-Manual/IMFInputContextTest" ExitCode -1 Ubuntu16.04/ja/jdk9b150:there is same issue : it's able to preedit and commit Japanes characters in non-client panel RULE "GS-Manual/IMFInputContextTest" ExitCode -1

Win7-x64/de/9b150:there is same issue : it's able to preedit and commit German characters in non-client panel RULE "GS-Manual/IMFInputContextTest" ExitCode -1

Win10-x64/ja/9b149:there is same issue : it's able to preedit and commit Japanese characters in non-client panel RULE "GS-Manual/IMFInputContextTest" ExitCode -1

win8.1 x64/zh_CN/9b137, chinese can be entered in Non Client

win7 x64/de/9b137, Germany can be entered in Non Client

win10-x64/zh_CN/JDK9b133, Chinese can be entered in Non Client

mac10.11/9b133/de, there is same issue: it's able to preedit and commit Germany characters in non-client panel

- this is an issue reported against 7(7u), - there are now affected version 9 filed for this issue - 7u issues are transferred to Sustaining Nevertheless if someone have a report against 9 - please reopen and add affectedVersion 9 or 7u specific escalations might be reopen to Sustaining

- this is an issue reported against 7(7u), - there are now affected version 9 filed for this issue - 7u issues are transferred to Sustaining Nevertheless if someone have a report against 9 - please reopen and add affectedVersion 9 or 7u specific escalations might be reopen to Sustaining

Introduced in JDK 6.

EVALUATION The symptom is reproducible with the MS Pinyin IME, but not with MS Japanese and Google IMEs in 6u23.

EVALUATION Might be a product bug, same as 6715359.