JDK-6988950 : JDWP exit error JVMTI_ERROR_WRONG_PHASE(112)
  • Type: Bug
  • Component: core-svc
  • Sub-Component: debugger
  • Affected Version: hs20,hs23,hs24,hs25,8u40,9
  • Priority: P2
  • Status: Closed
  • Resolution: Fixed
  • OS: generic
  • CPU: generic
  • Submitted: 2010-10-01
  • Updated: 2018-04-17
  • Resolved: 2014-11-12
The Version table provides details related to the release that this issue/RFE will be addressed.

Unresolved : Release in which this issue/RFE will be addressed.
Resolved: Release in which this issue/RFE has been resolved.
Fixed : Release in which this issue/RFE has been fixed. The release containing this fix may be available for download as an Early Access Release or a General Availability Release.

To download the current JDK release, click here.
8u152Fixed 9 b42Fixed
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The following VM/NSK test failed in the 2010.09.30 nightly:


Here is a snippet from the .log file:

[2010-10-01T03:32:01.59] debugger > ReferenceType.isInitialized() returned expected true for type: nsk.jdi.ReferenceType.isInitialized.isinit003Enum8$Enum8_
[2010-10-01T03:32:01.59] debugger > 
[2010-10-01T03:32:01.59] debugger > Checking completed!
[2010-10-01T03:32:01.59] debugee.stderr> debuggee > debugger's <quit> signal received.
[2010-10-01T03:32:01.59] debugee.stderr> debuggee > completed succesfully.
[2010-10-01T03:32:01.59] debugee.stderr> JDWP exit error JVMTI_ERROR_WRONG_PHASE(112): on checking for an interface [../../../src/share/back/util.c:1311]
[2010-10-01T03:32:01.59] debugee.stdout> FATAL ERROR in native method: JDWP on checking for an interface, jvmtiError=JVMTI_ERROR_WRONG_PHASE(112)
[2010-10-01T03:32:01.59] debugee.stdout> Current thread is 1091373376
[2010-10-01T03:32:01.59] debugee.stdout> Dumping core ...
[2010-10-01T03:32:01.59] # Test level exit status: 1
[2010-10-01T03:32:01.59] Exception in thread "main" nsk.share.Failure: Got unexpected debugee VM exit status: 134 (not 95)
[2010-10-01T03:32:01.59] 	at nsk.share.jdi.Debugee.quit(Debugee.java:496)
[2010-10-01T03:32:01.59] 	at nsk.jdi.ReferenceType.isInitialized.isinit003.run(isinit003.java:77)
[2010-10-01T03:32:01.59] 	at nsk.jdi.ReferenceType.isInitialized.isinit003.main(isinit003.java:48)
[2010-10-01T03:32:01.59] # Host info: Linux vm-v20z-21.SFBay.Sun.COM 2.6.18- #1 SMP Tue Aug 10 17:22:07 EDT 2010 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

The following part of the .log file:

[2010-10-01T03:32:01.59] debugee.stderr> debuggee > completed succesfully.

shows that the debuggee test code reached here in isinit003a.java:


 =>     display("completed succesfully.");
        System.exit(Consts.TEST_PASSED + Consts.JCK_STATUS_BASE);

The following part of the .log file:

[2010-10-01T03:32:01.59] Exception in thread "main" nsk.share.Failure: Got unexpected debugee VM exit status: 134 (not 95)
[2010-10-01T03:32:01.59] 	at nsk.share.jdi.Debugee.quit(Debugee.java:496)

shows that debugger test code reached here in isinit003.java:


=>      debuggee.quit();

        return exitStatus;
The following VM/NSK test failed with the same JDWP error in the
2010.08.17 nightly:


Here is a snippet of that failure's .log file:

[2010-08-18T03:05:02.84] debugger > Checking returned list...
[2010-08-18T03:05:02.84] debugee.stderr> debuggee > debuger's <quit> signal reException in thread "main" nsk.share.Failure: Got unexpected debugee VM exit status: 134 (not 95)
[2010-08-18T03:05:02.98] 	at nsk.share.jdi.Debugee.quit(Debugee.java:496)
[2010-08-18T03:05:02.98] 	at nsk.jdi.ClassLoaderReference.definedClasses.definedclasses005.run(definedclasses005.java:82)
[2010-08-18T03:05:02.98] 	at nsk.jdi.ClassLoaderReference.definedClasses.definedclasses005.main(definedclasses005.java:50)
[2010-08-18T03:05:02.98] ceived.
[2010-08-18T03:05:02.98] debugee.stderr> debuggee > completed succesfully.
[2010-08-18T03:05:02.98] debugee.stdout> FATAL ERROR in native method: JDWP on checking for an interface, jvmtiError=JVMTI_ERROR_WRONG_PHASE(112)
[2010-08-18T03:05:02.98] debugee.stdout> Current thread is 1083562304
[2010-08-18T03:05:02.98] debugee.stdout> Dumping core ...
[2010-08-18T03:05:02.98] debugee.stderr> JDWP exit error JVMTI_ERROR_WRONG_PHASE(112): on checking for an interface [../../../src/share/back/util.c:1311]
[2010-08-18T03:05:02.98] # Test level exit status: 1
[2010-08-18T03:05:02.98] # Host info: Linux vm-amd64-05.sfbay.sun.com 2.6.18-164.9.1.el5 #1 SMP Wed Dec 9 03:27:37 EST 2009 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
The following VM/NSK JDI test failed in the 2010.10.04 nightly:


The failure mode is similar but not identical to the previous
failure modes:

[2010-10-05T03:21:47.29] debugee.stderr> JDWP exit error JVMTI_ERROR_WRONG_PHASE(112): signature [../../../src/share/back/eventHelper.c:385]
[2010-10-05T03:21:47.29] Exception in thread "main" nsk.share.Failure: Got unexpected debugee VM exit status: 134 (not 95)
[2010-10-05T03:21:47.29] 	at nsk.share.jdi.Debugee.quit(Debugee.java:496)
[2010-10-05T03:21:47.29] 	at nsk.jdi.Method.isVarArgs.isvarargs001.run(isvarargs001.java:73)
[2010-10-05T03:21:47.29] 	at nsk.jdi.Method.isVarArgs.isvarargs001.main(isvarargs001.java:45)
[2010-10-05T03:21:47.29] # Test level exit status: 1
[2010-10-05T03:21:47.29] # Host info: Linux vm-amd64-06 2.6.18- #1 SMP Tue Aug 10 17:22:07 EDT 2010 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
Another sighting of a slightly different version of this failure
mode in the 2011.04.23 Main_Baseline nightly in the following
JT_JDK/demo/jvmti test:


Here is a snippet from the .jtr file:

command: main CompiledMethodLoadTest Hello
reason: User specified action: run main CompiledMethodLoadTest Hello 
elapsed time (seconds): 2.953
Starting: /export/local/common/jdk/baseline/linux-i586/jre/bin/java -cp /export/local/48416.JDK7.NIGHTLY.VM+linux-i586_javase_client_mixed_JT_JDK_demo_jvmti/results/workDir/classes/demo/jvmti/compiledMethodLoad -Dtest.classes=/export/local/48416.JDK7.NIGHTLY.VM+linux-i586_javase_client_mixed_JT_JDK_demo_jvmti/results/workDir/classes/demo/jvmti/compiledMethodLoad -Xcheck:jni -Xverify:all -agentpath:/export/local/common/jdk/baseline/linux-i586/jre/../demo/jvmti/compiledMethodLoad/lib/libcompiledMethodLoad.so Hello
ERROR: JVMTI: 112(JVMTI_ERROR_WRONG_PHASE): get method declaring class
Exit code is 3
<beginning of Error Stream buffer>
ERROR: JVMTI: 112(JVMTI_ERROR_WRONG_PHASE): get method declaring class

<end of buffer>
<beginning of Input Stream buffer>

<end of buffer>
java.lang.RuntimeException: Test failed - exit return code non-zero (exitStatus==3)
	at DemoRun.runit(DemoRun.java:216)
	at DemoRun.runit(DemoRun.java:109)
	at CompiledMethodLoadTest.main(CompiledMethodLoadTest.java:41)
	at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
	at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:57)
	at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43)
	at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:598)
	at com.sun.javatest.regtest.MainWrapper$MainThread.run(MainWrapper.java:94)
	at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:722)

JavaTest Message: Test threw exception: java.lang.RuntimeException: Test failed - exit return code non-zero (exitStatus==3)
JavaTest Message: shutting down test

STATUS:Failed.`main' threw exception: java.lang.RuntimeException: Test failed - exit return code non-zero (exitStatus==3)
result: Failed. Execution failed: `main' threw exception: java.lang.RuntimeException: Test failed - exit return code non-zero (exitStatus==3)

test result: Failed. Execution failed: `main' threw exception: java.lang.RuntimeException: Test failed - exit return code non-zero (exitStatus==3)

Changed the bug priority to P2 as the plan is to backport it to the 8u40 that is already in RDP1 phase. Thanks to D. Holmes for noticing this!

I see the test demo/jvmti/compiledMethodLoad/CompiledMethodLoadTest.java is listed in the description. In fact, this test is unrelated to and has nothing to do with the JDI and the JDWP agent. Moreover, I suspect the WRONG_PHASE issue can be a test problem. I'm suggesting to ignore this test case in this bug report for now.

[to Leonid] The original bug is in the standard debugger agent "libjdwp.so", not in the JVMTI. The demo/jvmti/compiledMethodLoad/CompiledMethodLoadTest.java is a JVMTI test, and so, has nothing to do with the debugger. So that the link above was incorrectly placed in a comment of this bug.

The following suggested fix is ready for a public review: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~sspitsyn/webrevs/2014/jdk/6988950-JDWP-wrong-phase.4/

The bug https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8024865 : nsk/jdi/VirtualMachine/instanceCounts/instancecounts002 fails since HSX25-B49 looks like a dup of THIS bug. The current bug adds more details/cases on the plate. However, the analysis of the 8024865 has been almostly completed. The only issue is that I'm not certain yet what fix is needed. I will close one of these two bugs after a clear fix has been found.

I tried to reproduce the failure in 100 runs of the following tests on solaris sparcv9 and amd64 with the jdk 9 product and fastdebug bits (-Xmixed and -Xcomp configs): nsk/jdi/ReferenceType/isInitialized/isinit003 nsk/jdi/ClassLoaderReference/definedClasses/definedclasses005 nsk/jdi/Method/isVarArgs/isvarargs001 nsk/jdi/WatchpointEvent/object/object001 nsk/jdi/IntegerValue/compareTo/compareto001 No luck yet. This issue is not easy to reproduce on available local Solaris servers while some of these failures originally happened on Solaris machines.

It seems, this failure mode always happen at the VM shutdown. See the pstack dump of the nsk/jdi/WatchpointEvent/object/object001 failure above in my comment. Another case is the pstack dump of the nsk/jdi/ObjectReference/waitingThreads/waitingthreads003 failure from Filipp's comment: core './ResultDir/waitingthreads003/core' of 21858: /export/local/common/jdk/baseline/solaris-sparc/jre/bin/java -server - ----------------- lwp# 1 / thread# 1 -------------------- ff07a138 __lwp_wait (2, ffbfe77c, 0, 0, fef82a40, 0) + 8 ff071b90 _thrp_join (2, 0, ffbfe840, 1, ff122780, ffbfe77c) + 38 ff071d08 thr_join (2, 0, ffbfe840, ffbfe8b4, 0, 3) + 14 ff142974 ContinueInNewThread0 (ff131840, 0, 80000, ffbfe8b4, 10000, fed08000) + 30 ff135d28 ContinueInNewThread (fe745de8, fe745d58, fe2cbc9c, ffbff90b, 25c00, fffda1c8) + b0 ff1429f4 JVMInit (ffbfea28, ffbff90b, 0, 9, 2153c, 1) + 40 ff131830 JLI_Launch (11000, fffee360, fffeece8, 11c00, 0, 0) + 2d0 00010dec main (10e94, 0, 10e58, 10e58, 210, 0) + a4 00010918 _start (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) + 108 ----------------- lwp# 2 / thread# 2 -------------------- ff07a1ec ___lwp_cond_wait (77848, 77830, 13b800, 19754703, 32d9783f, fed95c20) + 8 fe9edd84 __1cCosNPlatformEventEpark6M_v_ (77800, 12ef24, 12ec00, 90c00, 77820, 77830) + 100 fe9ac6bc __1cHMonitorFILock6MpnGThread__v_ (75878, 76800, 77801, 0, ffffffff, 35ab98) + 124 fe9ad4c4 __1cHMonitorbClock_without_safepoint_check6M_v_ (75878, d647c, fed08000, fdd, 7eea81, d6400) + 60 fe2138d8 __1cUSafepointSynchronizeFblock6FpnKJavaThread__v_ (76800, 6, ef828, 1, 1, fedd3e5c) + 1cc fe9ada38 __1cHMonitorEwait6Mblb_b_ (75948, 76800, 0, d00, a, feddb90c) + 18c fe244110 __1cIVMThreadHexecute6FpnMVM_Operation__v_ (fddef774, 11e000, 76800, 1, fee09194, fed08000) + 1c8 fe2b9204 __1cHvm_exit6Fi_v_ (5f, 0, fed08000, fedd3ec4, 24000, 76800) + e4 fe2d1c2c JVM_Halt (5f, feddb90c, 76800, feddb904, d3800, 6) + 13c fdcf29a4 Java_java_lang_Shutdown_halt0 (76930, fddef938, 5f, 0, 10000000, feddb900) + 4 ed813808 * java/lang/Shutdown.halt0(I)V+-26816 ed8137b0 * java/lang/Shutdown.halt0(I)V+0 ed8069f8 * java/lang/Shutdown.halt(I)V+7 (line 277) ed8069f8 * java/lang/Shutdown.exit(I)V+100 (line 395) ed8069f8 * java/lang/Runtime.exit(I)V+14 (line 214) ed8069f8 * java/lang/System.exit(I)V+4 (line 1924) ed8069f8 * nsk/jdi/ObjectReference/waitingThreads/waitingthreads003a.main([Ljava/lang/String;)V+316 (line 178) ed80021c * StubRoutines (1) fe1bcb2c __1cJJavaCallsLcall_helper6FpnJJavaValue_pnMmethodHandle_pnRJavaCallArguments_pnGThread__v_ (fddefed8, 76800, fddefe70, e, fddefe95, 1) + 318 fe263e84 jni_CallStaticVoidMethod (76930, 76fe4, 76bf8, feddb90c, 5, 76800) + 67c ff131f80 JavaMain (fe26d1bc, 77bfc, 76930, ff157678, fedb51b0, fe263808) + 740 ff075558 _lwp_start (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) ----------------- lwp# 3 / thread# 3 -------------------- ff07a1ec ___lwp_cond_wait (64948, 64930, 13b800, c, fdd50a4c, fed95c20) + 8 fe9edd84 __1cCosNPlatformEventEpark6M_v_ (64900, 12ef24, 12ec00, 90c00, 64920, 64930) + 100 fe9acd38 __1cHMonitorFIWait6MpnGThread_x_i_ (63608, 63800, 0, fed95c34, 63618, fed95c30) + c0 fe9adc0c __1cHMonitorEwait6Mblb_b_ (63608, 63800, 0, 1, 7eea85, d6400) + 360 fe1bb5d8 __1cNGCTaskManagerIget_task6MI_pnGGCTask__ (635b8, 0, 6447c, 63608, fdd50a40, fec1e969) + 94 fe2b3044 __1cMGCTaskThreadDrun6M_v_ (63800, 7ee40, 63c88, 63c90, 6407c, fdd50a40) + 1b4 fe9e2f00 java_start (63800, 0, fed8fe24, 11e1a4, fed08000, 11e000) + 330 ff075558 _lwp_start (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) ----------------- lwp# 4 / thread# 4 -------------------- ff07a1ec ___lwp_cond_wait (65d48, 65d30, 13b800, c, fdd5124c, fed95c20) + 8 fe9edd84 __1cCosNPlatformEventEpark6M_v_ (65d00, 12ef24, 12ec00, 90c00, 65d20, 65d30) + 100 fe9acd38 __1cHMonitorFIWait6MpnGThread_x_i_ (63608, 64c00, 0, fed95c34, 63618, fed95c30) + c0 fe9adc0c __1cHMonitorEwait6Mblb_b_ (63608, 64c00, 0, 1, 7eea89, d6400) + 360 fe1bb5d8 __1cNGCTaskManagerIget_task6MI_pnGGCTask__ (635b8, 1, 6593c, 63608, fdd51240, fec1e969) + 94 fe2b3044 __1cMGCTaskThreadDrun6M_v_ (64c00, 7ee00, 65148, 65150, 6553c, fdd51240) + 1b4 fe9e2f00 java_start (64c00, 1, fed8fe24, 11e1a4, fed08000, 11e000) + 330 ff075558 _lwp_start (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) ----------------- lwp# 5 / thread# 5 -------------------- ff07a1ec ___lwp_cond_wait (61e48, 61e30, 13b800, 0, 0, fed95c20) + 8 fe9edd84 __1cCosNPlatformEventEpark6M_v_ (61e00, 12ef24, 12ec00, 90c00, 61e20, 61e30) + 100 fe9acd38 __1cHMonitorFIWait6MpnGThread_x_i_ (75810, 61400, 0, fed95c34, 75820, fed95c30) + c0 fe9adc0c __1cHMonitorEwait6Mblb_b_ (75810, 61400, 0, 1, 7eea8d, d6400) + 360 fe241d88 __1cUSafepointSynchronizeFbegin6F_v_ (fedf7814, cbc00, 6, fedd3e5c, 8d800, 1) + 10ec feb7e674 __1cIVMThreadEloop6M_v_ (0, 8e000, dc, 5c400, feb81964, fee261ac) + 430 fe2c51c4 __1cIVMThreadDrun6M_v_ (61400, d7000, fedd3ec8, fed08000, cbec8, cbc00) + 98 fe9e2f00 java_start (61400, 2, fee261f4, 11e1a4, fed08000, 11e000) + 330 ff075558 _lwp_start (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) ----------------- lwp# 6 / thread# 6 -------------------- ff07a1ec ___lwp_cond_wait (13cc48, 13cc30, 13b800, 13a828, 0, fed95c20) + 8 fe9edd84 __1cCosNPlatformEventEpark6M_v_ (13cc00, 12ef24, 12ec00, 90c00, 13cc20, 13cc30) + 100 fe9cfa58 __1cNObjectMonitorEwait6MxbpnGThread__v_ (13f308, ecd9f6f8, 13d328, 13f35c, fec71c9a, 13c000) + 3a8 fe248d74 __1cSObjectSynchronizerEwait6FnGHandle_xpnGThread__v_ (ecd9f858, 8dc51, 1, 13c000, 8dc00, fed08000) + 188 fe248a5c JVM_MonitorWait (13c744, 0, 13c744, 13d210, feddb90c, 13c000) + 354 ed813808 * java/lang/Object.wait(J)V+8072 ed8137b0 * java/lang/Object.wait(J)V+0 ed8069f8 * java/lang/Object.wait()V+2 (line 1006) ed8069f8 * java/lang/ref/Reference$ReferenceHandler.run()V+46 (line 258) ed80021c * StubRoutines (1) fe1bcb2c __1cJJavaCallsLcall_helper6FpnJJavaValue_pnMmethodHandle_pnRJavaCallArguments_pnGThread__v_ (ecd9fd58, 13c000, ecd9fca0, e, ecd9fcc5, 1) + 318 fe6bd460 __1cJJavaCallsMcall_virtual6FpnJJavaValue_nGHandle_nLKlassHandle_pnGSymbol_6pnGThread__v_ (ecd9fd58, 13c738, 13c730, 81628, 82b88, ff4b4814) + 198 fe267b78 __1cMthread_entry6FpnKJavaThread_pnGThread__v_ (626a0, 12f314, c8c27360, 13c734, fee37314, 12f000) + 168 feb0b9e8 __1cKJavaThreadRthread_main_inner6M_v_ (13c000, ecd9fdec, 13c328, 626c0, 3ec, 0) + 94 fe2635a8 __1cKJavaThreadDrun6M_v_ (13c000, e20050b0, 3ec, fed08000, 0, 13c330) + 48c fe9e2f00 java_start (13c000, 3, fee09194, 11e1a4, fed08000, 11e000) + 330 ff075558 _lwp_start (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) ----------------- lwp# 7 / thread# 7 -------------------- ff07a1ec ___lwp_cond_wait (142c48, 142c30, 13b800, 13a828, 0, fed95c20) + 8 fe9edd84 __1cCosNPlatformEventEpark6M_v_ (142c00, 12ef24, 12ec00, 90c00, 142c20, 142c30) + 100 fe9cfa58 __1cNObjectMonitorEwait6MxbpnGThread__v_ (140108, ecd0f3e8, 143388, 14015c, fec71c9a, 142000) + 3a8 fe248d74 __1cSObjectSynchronizerEwait6FnGHandle_xpnGThread__v_ (ecd0f548, 8dc51, 1, 142000, 8dc00, fed08000) + 188 fe248a5c JVM_MonitorWait (1427a4, 0, 1427a4, 143270, feddb90c, 142000) + 354 ed813808 * java/lang/Object.wait(J)V+0 ed8137b0 * java/lang/Object.wait(J)V+0 ed8069f8 * java/lang/ref/ReferenceQueue.remove(J)Ljava/lang/ref/Reference;+44 (line 263) ed8066d0 * java/lang/ref/ReferenceQueue.remove()Ljava/lang/ref/Reference;+2 (line 302) ed8066d0 * java/lang/ref/Finalizer$FinalizerThread.run()V+16 (line 373) ed80021c * StubRoutines (1) fe1bcb2c __1cJJavaCallsLcall_helper6FpnJJavaValue_pnMmethodHandle_pnRJavaCallArguments_pnGThread__v_ (ecd0fad8, 142000, ecd0fa20, e, ecd0fa45, 1) + 318 fe6bd460 __1cJJavaCallsMcall_virtual6FpnJJavaValue_nGHandle_nLKlassHandle_pnGSymbol_6pnGThread__v_ (ecd0fad8, 142798, 142790, 81628, 82b88, ff4b4814) + 198 fe267b78 __1cMthread_entry6FpnKJavaThread_pnGThread__v_ (62700, 12f314, c8c27360, 142794, fee37314, 12f000) + 168 feb0b9e8 __1cKJavaThreadRthread_main_inner6M_v_ (142000, ecd0fb6c, 142388, 626e0, 3ec, 0) + 94 fe2635a8 __1cKJavaThreadDrun6M_v_ (142000, e20054e0, 3ec, fed08000, 0, 142390) + 48c fe9e2f00 java_start (142000, 4, fee09194, 11e1a4, fed08000, 11e000) + 330 ff075558 _lwp_start (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) ----------------- lwp# 9 / thread# 9 -------------------- ff07a1ec ___lwp_cond_wait (15dc48, 15dc30, 13b800, ff000000, ffffff, fed95c20) + 8 fe9edd84 __1cCosNPlatformEventEpark6M_v_ (15dc00, 12ef24, 12ec00, 90c00, 15dc20, 15dc30) + 100 fe888f24 __1cPJvmtiRawMonitorJraw_enter6MpnGThread__i_ (15f8f8, 15e400, 0, 1, 15e400, fed08000) + 29c fe857be0 __1cIJvmtiEnvPRawMonitorEnter6MpnPJvmtiRawMonitor__nKjvmtiError__ (b5800, 15f8f8, 4, fed08000, d6400, a) + a0 fdbfc278 debugMonitorEnter (15f8f8, fdc17850, fdc172f4, fdc17850, fdc177d8, 400) + 3c fdbeae20 eventHandler_reset (1, fdc172f4, 69c, 708, 400, 1000000) + 2c fdbe1ea8 debugInit_reset (15e530, 400, fdc172f4, fdc02558, fffeb264, fdc17990) + 74 fdbe33e8 debugLoop_run (0, fdc177d8, c8b5f958, fdc172f4, 400, c8b5fab8) + 2b0 fdbf80cc connectionInitiated (ed423020, 0, fdc172f4, 1, 9d8, fdc17ccc) + f4 fdbf8394 attachThread (400, fdc172f4, ed423020, fdc06448, fffef154, 10c00) + 58 fe882580 __1cQJvmtiAgentThreadTcall_start_function6M_v_ (15e400, d3904, d3800, fed08000, 0, ef810) + 128 feb0b9e8 __1cKJavaThreadRthread_main_inner6M_v_ (15e400, c8b5fc6c, 15ea00, 159040, 3ec, 0) + 94 fe2635a8 __1cKJavaThreadDrun6M_v_ (15e400, e2043308, 3ec, fed08000, 1, 15ea08) + 48c fe9e2f00 java_start (15e400, 6, fedbcde0, 11e1a4, fed08000, 11e000) + 330 ff075558 _lwp_start (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) ----------------- lwp# 10 / thread# 10 -------------------- ff07a108 _lwp_kill (6, ffffffef, ffffffec, c8acf2c0, 5, 6) + 8 feffb554 abort (0, ff11e1f4, 6, 1, ff11fa80, 0) + 108 fe9e47ec __1cCosFabort6Fb_v_ (1, 21c40, 160c00, 12e800, a, 1) + 18 fe714208 jni_FatalError (160d30, c8acf498, 160c00, 0, ef800, fed08000) + 1a8 fdbe17e8 jniFatalError (fffeb0d8, fdc06fb4, 70, 1, 14c00, fdc172f4) + f4 fdbe2fd0 debugInit_exit (70, fdc06fb4, 1, fdc17850, 1, fdc17850) + f0 fdbfcf64 isInterface (fdc0652c, 0, ff121d1c, fdc17850, fdc06fb4, 70) + d8 fdbfb300 referenceTypeTag (13bc30, c8acf884, 0, c8acf936, 2400, 2b7d8) + 4 fdbebb34 writeClassEvent (160d30, c8acf900, 1db5b0, ffffff5c, 9e0, 800) + 1c fdbebdac handleEventCommandSingle (160d30, c8acf900, 164, fdbebc40, fdc172f4, 1db5b0) + 10c fdbec0d4 handleReportEventCompositeCommand (160d30, b, 1db5a0, 0, 0, c8acf900) + 100 fdbec2a0 handleCommand (160d30, 1db588, 4e4, fdc172f4, 0, 1) + 60 fdbec558 commandLoop (fdc17850, 160d30, fdc172f4, fdc177d8, 4e4, 400) + 98 fe882580 __1cQJvmtiAgentThreadTcall_start_function6M_v_ (160c00, d3904, d3800, fed08000, 0, ef810) + 128 feb0b9e8 __1cKJavaThreadRthread_main_inner6M_v_ (160c00, c8acfbec, 160fb8, 1590a0, 3ec, 0) + 94 fe2635a8 __1cKJavaThreadDrun6M_v_ (160c00, e2043438, 3ec, fed08000, 1, 160fc0) + 48c fe9e2f00 java_start (160c00, 7, fedbcde0, 11e1a4, fed08000, 11e000) + 330 ff075558 _lwp_start (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) ----------------- lwp# 12 / thread# 12 -------------------- ff07a1ec ___lwp_cond_wait (16a648, 16a630, 13b800, fee097cc, 1017cc, fed95c20) + 8 fe9edd84 __1cCosNPlatformEventEpark6M_v_ (16a600, 12ef24, 12ec00, 90c00, 16a620, 16a630) + 100 fe9acd38 __1cHMonitorFIWait6MpnGThread_x_i_ (76168, 169400, 0, fed95c34, 76178, fed95c30) + c0 fe9adb48 __1cHMonitorEwait6Mblb_b_ (76168, 169400, 0, 1280, 16aa00, feddb90c) + 29c fe2a2cb4 __1cNCompileBrokerUcompiler_thread_loop6F_v_ (1591a0, 63808, 76168, 1, fed96104, 8dc00) + 468 feb0b9e8 __1cKJavaThreadRthread_main_inner6M_v_ (169400, c775fcec, 1699c0, 1591e0, 3ec, 0) + 94 fe2635a8 __1cKJavaThreadDrun6M_v_ (169400, e2043500, 3ec, fed08000, 1, 1699c8) + 48c fe9e2f00 java_start (169400, 9, fee091e4, 11e1a4, fed08000, 11e000) + 330 ff075558 _lwp_start (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) ----------------- lwp# 13 / thread# 13 -------------------- ff07a1ec ___lwp_cond_wait (174a48, 174a30, 13b800, fee097cc, 1017cc, fed95c20) + 8 fe9edd84 __1cCosNPlatformEventEpark6M_v_ (174a00, 12ef24, 12ec00, 90c00, 174a20, 174a30) + 100 fe9acd38 __1cHMonitorFIWait6MpnGThread_x_i_ (76168, 174000, 0, fed95c34, 76178, fed95c30) + c0 fe9adb48 __1cHMonitorEwait6Mblb_b_ (76168, 174000, 0, 800, 174dc0, feddb90c) + 29c fe2a2cb4 __1cNCompileBrokerUcompiler_thread_loop6F_v_ (1591a0, 63808, 76168, 1, fed96104, 8dc00) + 468 feb0b9e8 __1cKJavaThreadRthread_main_inner6M_v_ (174000, c76cfe6c, 16af88, 159240, 3ec, 0) + 94 fe2635a8 __1cKJavaThreadDrun6M_v_ (174000, e2043600, 3ec, fed08000, 1, 16af90) + 48c fe9e2f00 java_start (174000, a, fee091e4, 11e1a4, fed08000, 11e000) + 330 ff075558 _lwp_start (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) ----------------- lwp# 14 / thread# 14 -------------------- ff07a1ec ___lwp_cond_wait (176e48, 176e30, 13b800, 40, fdd56240, fed95c20) + 8 fe9edd84 __1cCosNPlatformEventEpark6M_v_ (176e00, 12ef24, 12ec00, 90c00, 176e20, 176e30) + 100 fe9acd38 __1cHMonitorFIWait6MpnGThread_x_i_ (750c0, 175c00, 0, fed95c34, 750d0, fed95c30) + c0 fe9adc0c __1cHMonitorEwait6Mblb_b_ (750c0, 175c00, 0, 1, 7eeab1, d6400) + 360 fea6f514 __1cNServiceThreadUservice_thread_entry6FpnKJavaThread_pnGThread__v_ (175c00, 175c00, 2eb80, 0, 0, 0) + 15c feb0b9e8 __1cKJavaThreadRthread_main_inner6M_v_ (175c00, c763fdec, 176178, 1752f0, 3ec, 0) + 94 fe2635a8 __1cKJavaThreadDrun6M_v_ (175c00, e2043700, 3ec, fed08000, 1, 176180) + 48c fe9e2f00 java_start (175c00, b, fedf8d00, 11e1a4, fed08000, 11e000) + 330 ff075558 _lwp_start (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) I'm downloading some other core dumps to get pstack dumps out of them.

The original failure (test: demo/jvmti/compiledMethodLoad/CompiledMethodLoadTest.java) was not reproducible with the jdk8 product and fastdebug bits on both solaris-sparcv9 and -amd64 in 100 runs.

The original failure (test: demo/jvmti/compiledMethodLoad/CompiledMethodLoadTest.java) was not reproducible with the jdk9 product and fastdebug bits on both solaris-sparcv9 and -amd64 in 100 runs.

TESTFAIL: nsk/jdi/Accessible/isPackagePrivate/accipp002 during 2/6/14 nightly. [2014-02-06T09:07:07.06] debugee.stdout> FATAL ERROR in native method: JDWP on checking for an interface, jvmtiError=JVMTI_ERROR_WRONG_PHASE(112) [2014-02-06T09:07:07.06] debugee.stdout> Current thread is 140268553369344 [2014-02-06T09:07:07.06] debugee.stdout> Dumping core ... [2014-02-06T09:07:20.93] Exception in thread "main" nsk.share.Failure: Got unexpected debugee VM exit status: 134 (not 95) Details can be found at: Test run URL: http://aurora.ru.oracle.com/functional/faces/RunDetails.xhtml?names=382173.JAVASE.NIGHTLY.VM.RT_Baseline.2014-02-06-41&show-limit=0&filter= Host: scaaa286, Intel Xeon 2901 MHz, 32 cores, 252G, Linux / Oracle Linux 6.3, x86_64 Options: -server -Xmixed -XX:MaxRAMFraction=8 -XX:+CreateMinidumpOnCrash -XX:NativeMemoryTracking=detail -XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize=256M

This bug is very similar to the JDK-8024865. The failing scenario look the same. But I did not find the debugger process core dump to find out what exactly is happening there. A part of the log: debugee.stderr> debuggee > debuger's <quit> signal received. debugee.stderr> debuggee > completed succesfully. debugee.stderr> JDWP exit error JVMTI_ERROR_WRONG_PHASE(112): on getting class status [util.c:1283] debugee.stdout> FATAL ERROR in native method: JDWP on getting class status, jvmtiError=JVMTI_ERROR_WRONG_PHASE(112) Exception in thread "main" nsk.share.Failure: Got unexpected debugee VM exit status: 6 (not 95) at nsk.share.jdi.Debugee.quit(Debugee.java:534) at nsk.jdi.IntegerValue.compareTo.compareto001.run(compareto001.java:77) at nsk.jdi.IntegerValue.compareTo.compareto001.main(compareto001.java:48) # Test level exit status: 1 The debugger and the debuggee are at shutdown. But it seems, the JDI InternalEventHandler (debugger side) got an event and is processing it. To do so, it sent a command to the JDWP agent. The JDWP agent got the JVMTI_ERROR_WRONG_PHASE when it is trying to get a class status.

Temporarily assigned the bug to myself for evaluation as it is on the "Test Stabilization" radar.