Config: Solaris 10 x64 64 bit
Spec: UNIX004-005
Steps to reproduce:
1. Check preconditions
* VERIFY No JRE or JDK is installed on the system
2. Install JDK7 b105 (the pkg version of JDK of the previous update of tested JDK) to default location
3. Install JDK7 b106 (the pkg version of JDK) to default location
4. Uninstall just installed JDK with 'pkgrm' command
5. Accept the default prompts
* VERIFY JDK is correctly and completely removed from the system
Actual result:
1. JDK is not uninstalled completely, /usr/jdk/instances/jdk1.7.0 folder remains.
Expected result:
1. JDK is correctly and completely removed from the system.
When they are installed to non-default location, /usr/local/jdk folder remains.