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OPERATING SYSTEM ---------------- All. FULL JDK VERSION(S) ------------------- JDK 1.5.0_11 JDK 1.6.0_01 JDK 7b93 DESCRIPTION ----------- CR 647331 introduced the ability for rmic to handle relative manifest classpaths. The paths are not canonicalised, so you can end up with huge paths where the majority is redundant. This causes problems when the path is converted to a String (within the rmic code). For example, create a file structure where you have several jarfiles in ".", and several more in "./lib", and setup the manifest classpaths so that the jarfiles in "." point to jarfiles in "./lib", and the jarfiles in "./lib" point to the jarfiles in "." (using ".."). e.g.: Classpath attribute for jarfile "test1.jar" in ".": ---- Class-Path: lib/testlib2.jar lib/testlib3.jar lib/testlib4.jar lib/testlib5.jar lib/testlib6.jar lib/testlib7.jar lib/testlib8.jar lib/testlib9.jar lib/testlib10.jar ---- Classpath attribute for jarfile "testlib1.jar" in "./lib": ---- Class-Path: ../test2.jar ../test3.jar ../test4.jar ../test5.jar ../test6.jar ../test7.jar ../test8.jar ../test9.jar ../test10.jar ---- If you create similar classpaths in each of the other jarfiles, rmic will end up adding paths like this to its classpath: lib\..\lib\..\lib\..\lib\..\lib\..\lib\..\lib\..\lib\..\lib\..\lib\..\lib\..\lib\..\lib\..\lib\..\lib\..\lib\..\lib\..\lib\..\lib\..\lib\..\lib\..\lib\..\lib\..\lib\..\lib\..\lib\..\lib\..\lib\..\lib\..\lib\..\lib\..\lib\..\lib\..\lib\..\lib\..\lib\..\lib\..\lib\..\lib\..\lib\..\lib\..\lib\..\lib\..\lib\..\lib\..\lib\..\lib\..\lib\..\lib\..\lib\..\lib\..\lib\..\lib\..\lib\..\lib\..\lib\..\lib\..\lib\..\lib\..\lib\..\lib\..\lib\..\lib\..\lib\..\lib\..\lib\..\lib\..\lib\..\lib\..\lib\..\lib\..\lib\..\lib\..\lib\..\lib\..\lib\..\lib\..\lib\..\lib\..\lib\..\lib\..\lib\..\lib\..\lib\..\lib\..\lib\..\lib\..\lib\..\lib\..\lib\..\lib\..\lib\..\lib\..\lib\..\lib\..\lib\..\lib\..\lib\..\lib\..\lib\..\lib\..\lib\..\lib\..\lib\..\lib\..\lib\..\lib\..\lib\..\lib\..\lib\..\lib\..\lib\..\lib\..\lib\..\lib\..\lib\..\lib\..\lib\..\lib\..\lib\..lib\..\lib\..\lib\..\lib\..\lib\..\lib\..\lib\..\lib\..\lib\..\lib\..\lib\..\lib\..\lib\..\lib\..\lib\..\lib\..\lib\..\lib\..\lib\..\lib\..\lib\..\lib\..\lib\..\lib\testlib1.jar In a test situation with 10 jarfiles in ".", each of which refers to 9 jarfiles in "./lib", and vice versa, rmic will add a total of over 25000 jarfile paths to its classpath, even though only 20 jarfiles really need to be added. In real world situations this can cause rmic to take an unnecessarily large amount of time to run or it can cause OutOfMemoryErrors when trying to create the classpath String. The problem occurs with JDK 1.5.0_11, but it is much more pronounced with Java 6/7 because of the changes to the way manifest classpaths are processed. For instance, with the example above, 5.0 only creates 5400 paths rather than 25000. Javac encountered similar issues - 4212732 (10-Fix Delivered), 6400872 (10-Fix Delivered) and 6485027. STEPS TO REPRODUCE: A Java Licensee has provided us with a testcase. The testcase is self-contained, for the most part, but requires specific setup and execution. Testcase can be obtained from Licensee Engineering. SUGGESTED FIX: See Suggested Fix section.