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Test nsk/logging/Handler/flush/flush001 fail with crash (see comments) Testsuite name: VM JDK/JRE tested: 1.5.0_24 OS/architecture: Win2008 x86 Reproducible: Sometimes Reproducible on machine: stt-53 [If sometimes] Also reproducible on machine: stt-54 Is it a platform specific regression: N [If yes] Is it a new platform support: [If yes] Regression relative to OS version: Is it a Regression: N [If yes] Regression introduced in release/build: Test result on 1.5.0 FCS: Fail Test run log location: /net/stt-13.russia.sun.com/export/home0/newroot/results/1.5.0_24/b01_j4b/vm/win2008-x86-32_nsk.logging.testlist_01/ResultDir/flush001/ Steps to reproduce: ssh stt-53.russia.sun.com cd /set/stt/newroot/results/1.5.0_24/b01_j4b/vm/win2008-x86-32_nsk.logging.testlist_01/ResultDir/flush001/ ksh rerun.sh