2 tests from suite_javaws_certificates are failing from 6u18b03
The failure is because of the mismatch in error messages from 6u18b03 and prior versions.
Install 6u18 b03
Launch http://nicole1.sfbay.sun.com:8080/JavawsMustangIntegTest/certificate/damaged_signed_test.jnlp
The application wont be launched and the error message is
"Cannot find cached resource for URL :http://nicole1.sfbay.sun.com:8080/JavawsMustangIntegTest/certificate/lib/damaged_signed_test.jar"
With 6u18 b02
This error message is "Could not verify signing in resource :http://nicole1.sfbay.sun.com:8080/JavawsMustangIntegTest/certificate/lib/damaged_signed_test.jar"