) sun/java2d/OpenGL/DrawBufImgOp.java
According to attached logs this test fails due to crash in the medialib library.
This is known poblem (6501871: java.awt.LookupOp may crash on BufferedImage
with alpha). It already fixed in jdk7, and we probably should consider the
backport of this fix to jdk6 train.
2) sun/java2d/SunGraphics2D/EmptyClipRenderingTest.java
This failure is also already reported. See CR 6345095 (regression test EmptyClipRenderingTest
fails on windows).
Both these failures are known and are NOT specific to windows7. Note that they actually hint that
tests were run on the system where opengl pipeline did not work properly (misconfigured?) as it
falls back to the medilaib for image drawing. Perhaps system configuration needs to be reviewed.
As both failures are already reported elsewere I am closing this report as a dupicate of one of
them - CR 6501871.