The crash is intermittently seen in production by the customer running on Linux. It's been reported with both 6u2 as well as 6u5. The stack from hs_err follows:
Stack: [0x00000000,0x00000000], sp=0xb42d8300, free space=-1242272k
Native frames: (J=compiled Java code, j=interpreted, Vv=VM code, C=native code)
V [];; oopDesc::size_given_klass(Klass*)+0x2a
V [];; ParScanClosure::do_oop_work(oopDesc**, bool, bool)+0x
V [];; ParRootScanWithBarrierTwoGensClosure::do_oop(oopDesc*
V [];; instanceKlass::oop_oop_iterate_nv_m(oopDesc*, Filteri
ngClosure*, MemRegion)+0x15e
V [];; FreeListSpace_DCTOC::walk_mem_region_with_cl_par(MemR
egion, HeapWord*, HeapWord*, FilteringClosure*)+0xd5
V [];; FreeListSpace_DCTOC::walk_mem_region_with_cl(MemRegio
n, HeapWord*, HeapWord*, FilteringClosure*)+0x3f
V [];; Filtering_DCTOC::walk_mem_region(MemRegion, HeapWord*
, HeapWord*)+0x50
V [];; DirtyCardToOopClosure::do_MemRegion(MemRegion)+0xcf
V [];; ClearNoncleanCardWrapper::do_MemRegion(MemRegion)+0xa
V [];; CardTableModRefBS::non_clean_card_iterate_work(MemReg
ion, MemRegionClosure*, bool)+0x141
V [];; CardTableModRefBS::process_stride(Space*, MemRegion,
int, int, DirtyCardToOopClosure*, MemRegionClosure*, bool, signed char**, unsign
ed, unsigned)+0xfe
V [];; CardTableModRefBS::par_non_clean_card_iterate_work(Sp
ace*, MemRegion, DirtyCardToOopClosure*, MemRegionClosure*, bool, int)+0xaf
V [];; CardTableModRefBS::non_clean_card_iterate(Space*, Mem
Region, DirtyCardToOopClosure*, MemRegionClosure*, bool)+0x4b
V [];; CardTableRS::younger_refs_in_space_iterate(Space*, Oo
V [];; Generation::younger_refs_in_space_iterate(Space*, Oop
V [];; ConcurrentMarkSweepGeneration::younger_refs_iterate(O
V [];; CardTableRS::younger_refs_iterate(Generation*, OopsIn
V [];; GenCollectedHeap::gen_process_strong_roots(int, bool,
bool, SharedHeap::ScanningOption(OopsInGenClosure*, void))+0x70
V [];; ParNewGenTask::work(int)+0xc7
V [];; GangWorker::loop()+0xa3
V [];; GangWorker::run()+0x18
V [];; java_start(Thread*)+0x139
C []
We've collected several hs_err logs from the customer and the stack seems very close in all of them.
The customer has tried the workaround mentioned in CR 6642634 of setting -Xmx == -Xms and -XX:PermSize == -XX:MaxPermSize but they still reported getting crashes.
We've asked the customer to try removing -XX:+UseBiasedLocking and to let us know whether or not they continue to see crashes.
Cu also reports that this application was stable running under 1.5.0_10.