ScheduledExecutorService does not work as we expect.
The test programs schedules the execution of MyTask().
When Mytask() is scheduled in scheduleWithFixedDelay() as follows,
-initialDelay is 0 : Execute right now
-delay is 1000[msec] : Execute every 1000[msec]
the MyTask() sometimes is not executed.
Initial execution of MyTask() is not executed and scheduled MyTask() is not executed also.
OS : WindowsXP(SP2,Japanese)
JRE/JDK : jdk7b30/jdk6u7/jdk5u16
The reporter says, this occus in RHEL(x86) and submitter confirms this problem occurs in Solaris10.
The problem can be reproducible so often.
The test program sometimes finishes correctly.
The followings message will shows up.
No message. The execution seems hang.