This RFE is part of RFE 6569795 and RFE 6671561:
We are going to pre-trust signed applet which signed by Sun Certificate. In order to know which certificate is issued by Sun, a new jurisdiction file need to be created in JDK workspace, the Java plugin will parse this file and know how to compare it with the certificate which sign the jar file.
We have decided to ask a new certificate from Verisign, which has OU="Java Signed Extensions", this jurisdiction file will include this information along with other attribution in certificate, such as "CN" and others.
The location of this jurisdiction file will be under $JRE/lib/security, the file name will be "trustedPublishers".
During JRE installation, an option will checked by default to install the above file into $JRE/lib/security directory, if user uncheck the checkbox, then this file won't be added into $JRE/lib/security, and the pre-trust feature won't be available to user.