I have a jframe which contains 4 buttons. I change the make the first button as the focus owner & change the z-order of the 2nd button, the component is shifted i,e z-order is applied but a component is remove or hidden . After i am pressing tab to change the focus , but focus is not transfered. This works fine in 6u10_b22 promoted build, fails in 6u10 b23 pit only. This is the regression of http://monaco.sfbay.sun.com/detail.jsf?cr=6616323-2161436. Hence its a regression introduced in pit build. I have the screen shot of same .
Step to reproduce:-
1) Run the attached program . This is an automated testcase.
2) Observe that after the z-order ( b1 is changing its position ) b3 is missing & focus remains on b1 . If you see the same then the bug is reproduced.
This bug is reproduced also for awt components with the 6u10 b23 pit build.
However the component is not getting missed but the focus is not transferred to the
required component after changing the ZOrder.
getComponentZOrder(Component comp) method is not returing the proper ZOrder index of the component
after changing the ZOrder .
Steps to reproduce:
1. Run the attached automated testcase (ZOrder.java)
2. Observe that after changing the ZOrder the focus is not transferred to the required component (After pressing tab)
3. Also observe that getComponentZOrder(Component comp) method is returing unexpected values.
Since this is a regression I am increasing the priority .