JDK-6690729 : Applet is not getting loaded in IE with New Java Plugin
  • Type: Bug
  • Component: deploy
  • Sub-Component: plugin
  • Affected Version: 6u10
  • Priority: P2
  • Status: Closed
  • Resolution: Duplicate
  • OS: windows
  • CPU: x86
  • Submitted: 2008-04-18
  • Updated: 2010-04-04
  • Resolved: 2008-04-28
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Applet is not loaded in IE (New Java Plugin) on Kernel JRE on b22 promoted bundle.

works fine after becoming Normal JRE. 
This is problem with OOP + Kernel .  works fine with legacy plugin. 

Reproducible step:
install Kernel JRE.
load any applet in IE. 

Initial bundle downloading dialogs will appear  and Java process will die after few seconds. 
I think its reproducible in almost all m/cs. 
M/c Reproduced: 
jdsn9.india.sun.com / jdsn8.india.sun.com  - vnc password - vnc123

SUGGESTED FIX additional suspend/resume heartbeat inbetween start-applet and applet-started msg.

SUGGESTED FIX Analyze Results: - not a client, nor a server deadlock -> GOOD - server sometimes need 3-5 s to send the heartbeat echo back, time is consumed within the native windows named pipe WriteFile. - this beats the current heartbeat timeout of 3s The current code no more relies on the heartbeat feature that much anymore (compared to the past), since we will receive an IOException if either client or server dies. Hence we can loosen the heartbeat timeout to 10s. It turns out (most likely, I will double check this), the enduring 'windows named pipe WriteFile' call is caused by an installed virus scanner, which sometimes hit the performance very hard. No bug within our code, but a to high performance requirements, which is fixed herein, while setting the heartbeat timeout to 10s. +++ testcase: none/hard webrev: http://sa.sfbay.sun.com/projects/deployment_data/6u10/6690729.0 workspace: deploy engineer: sven.gothel

EVALUATION I saw the problem with the jlab420.india.sun.com machine. The symptom is that the applet gets loaded and then the attached client jvm exits due to no heartbeat message reply. Attached is the tracing from the browser side. The jlab420 machine is configured to using proxy and there seems to be some DNS problem with that machine. For example, I couldn't ping the jano1.sfbay but I can ping its ip address. A fix could be to increase the heartbeat timeout.

EVALUATION The problem does not appear to be Kernel related -- I can reproduce it (though less reliably) with the offline JRE on jlab420.india. Presumably Kernel merely alters the timing so that it happens more frequently. I was able to reproduce both in promoted b22 and b23 PIT.