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During testing for 6659663 I came across failures that look like this (they were discovered during heap verification before GC): Field 0xdb97e138 of live obj 0xd35ff238 points to dead obj 0xd35ff234. Live obj: [Ljava.util.Date; - klass: 'java/util/Date'[] - length: 5 - 0 : a 'java/util/Date' - 1 : a 'java/util/Date' - 2 : a 'java/util/Date' - 3 : a 'java/util/Date' - 4 : a 'java/util/Date' Bad referent: java.util.Date - klass: 'java/util/Date' fields: - private transient 'fastTime' 'J' @8 - private transient 'cdate' 'Lsun/util/calendar/BaseCalendar$Date;' @16 Thse are not the "standard" missing remset entry failures. They actually indicate that a live object is pointing to a garbage one. I ran with -XX:+G1VerifyConcMark and I get the same failure at the end of marking (marking verification happens at the end of cleanup). I can reproduce this issue relatively easily but with the heavy instrumentation I have added to the VM when investigating 6659663. I went back to my error logs for previous instances of this failure and I can only find one (but it happens very easily with the added instrumentation). I have reproduced it with jbb2005 on Niagara and Tigerton.