JCK : JCK-runtime-6a b14
J2SE : FAIL - jdk6u10 build 11, 46u4p, 6u5p with core dump . Depends on JVM version: should be 11 b09
Platform[s] : FAIL - solaris10 sparc
switch/Mode : FAIL - -d64 -Xcomp. Passes w/o any of these options
JVM crashes while trying to execute JCK api/java_security/Signature/SignatureTests.html#initSign tests.
VM version: HotSpot 11.0-b09
VM options: -d64 -Xcomp
OS: Solaris 10
JDK: 6u10 b11 (also 6u4 and 6u5 performance releases)
Steps to reproduce:
1) Login to Solaris mashine. For example stt-32.russia.sun.com
2) Install JDK 6u10 b11 and JCK6a. If you are logged to to stt-32 then JDK and JCK6a is already installed, just cd to /set/stt/newroot/results/1.6.0_05p/b00/JCK6a/runtime-Sol10-sun4v-d64-server-Xcomp/failed
3) run script rerun.sh (It executes tests mentioned above)
Content of the script goes below
export CLASSPATH="/set/stt/jck_promotions/6a/fcs/alt2/binaries/JCK-runtime-6a/classes"
OPTS="-d64 -server -Xcomp"
export JAVA=/export/JDK/jdk1.6.0_10/bin/java
$JAVA $OPTS -classpath $CLASSPATH -Djava.security.policy=$SECPOLICY $TEST -TestCaseID ALL
Please, see comments for the output of tests before crash and for the vm crash log.