JDK-6635953 : japanese messages are displayed in square boxes in security warning dialog
  • Type: Bug
  • Component: deploy
  • Sub-Component: deployment_toolkit
  • Affected Version: 6u10
  • Priority: P2
  • Status: Closed
  • Resolution: Fixed
  • OS: windows
  • CPU: x86
  • Submitted: 2007-11-30
  • Updated: 2010-09-29
  • Resolved: 2008-06-18
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6u10 b09Fixed 7Fixed
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java 6u10 b07

In ja windows, or ja-enbled windows, try to invoke the security warning dialog in deployment toolkit. 
Testcase http://tula.red.iplanet.com/tcm2/tcm_testcase.cgi?tcm_config=java&action=query_testcase&product_id=48&category_id=174 or
http://web-east.east/www/tests/getjava/6529645/install.html can be used to invoke the security warning dialog.

All the japanese characters are displayed as square boxes in the warning dialog. Please see attached screenshot. 

In deploy/src/plugin/win32/toolkit/common/SecurityDialog.cpp, some of the fonts are hardcoded to arial or some others, but only MS UI Gothic can be displayed in ja windows. 

in deploy/src/plugin/win32/ssv/SecurityDialog.cpp, method CreateDialogFonts is updated to create japan specific fonts when the locale is ja. 
 if (strncmp(szLocaleData, "Japan", 5) != 0)
	strcpy (lf.lfFaceName, szFaceName);
	strcpy (lf.lfFaceName, TEXT("MS UI Gothic"));

I think CreateDialogFonts in deploy/src/plugin/win32/toolkit/common/SecurityDialog.cpp and some other source, can use the same way to create special font for Japanese. Same kind of problem also happens in jinstall, please refer to bug 6544761. 

I set the priority to 2, because many Japanese strings can not be displayed in the warning dialog. They can be replaced with English, and it depends on our ja engineer to see if it's acceptable. I think the priority can be changed to 3, but it's much better to fix the CR by beta, so that l10n can have enough time to integrate japanese messages.

In reproducing the CR, some text in downloading dialog and buttons can not be displayed in japanese. It's not an i18n problem, after setting the font in rc file, the messages can be displayed correctly. Rc files are to be integrated by beta. Attached rc file can be used in internal build, if you like.

EVALUATION same problem fixing in j2se/src/windows/native/sun/jkernel/DownloadDialog.cpp

EVALUATION OK - implementing the code from ssv in two places in DT. Will look at similar problem in jkernel dialogs.