Duplicate :
First file name/ folder name in the file chooser is not getting the focus border in "Detail View" as it happens in "List View". This were part of the http://monaco.sfbay/detail.jsf?cr=6596198 fix. Step to reproduce: ------------------ 1) Run SwingSet2. 2) Select "File Chooser " Demo. 3) Click on the "Show Plain JFileChooser" button. You will see a file chooser & the focus is on the combobox. & its in list view. 4) Press "tab key " & move the focus to the file view. Observe that whole file view gets focus as well as the first file name / folder name gets focus. 5) Close the file chooser. either by pressing "Escape key" or clicking the "Cancel' button. 6) Click on the "Show Plain JFileChooser" button. You will see a file chooser & the focus is on the combobox. & its in list view. 7) Press the "Tab" key & get the focus to the "Detail View" button. & press it. Observe that File view is changed to "Detail View". 8) Get the focus to the "file view " by pressing tab key. Observe that focus is on the file view, but the first file name / folder is not selected. If you see the same then the bug is reproduced. Issue 2: -------- Added this scenario in this bug itself as it is observed in the exact sequence of steps as mentioned in Issue1. Focus is not appearing on the cells (File Names)in the Table of FileChooser(Detail Mode) This is clearly visible when you open the JFileCHooser in Details Mode in Nimbus L&F. To view it more clearly you can follow the steps below: 1)Open the JFileChooser in The List Mode in Nimbus Look & Feel. 2)Click on any of the FileNames in the File View to select it. - A selection appears around it as expected. 3)Press CTRL+Space - Observe that the the focus stays, but the selection is removed. This is the expected behavior.(See Issue2_CorrectBehavior_List.PNG for reference) 4)Now open the JFileChooser in The Details Mode in Nimbus Look & Feel. 5)Click on any of the FileNames in the File View to select it. - A selection appears around it as expected. 6)Press CTRL+Space - Observe that the selection is removed but there is no focus.(See Issue2_WRONGBehavior_Details for reference)