JDK-6612714 : new plug-in is not being detected on Vista/ IE7 with UAC disabled
  • Type: Bug
  • Component: deploy
  • Sub-Component: plugin
  • Affected Version: 6u5
  • Priority: P2
  • Status: Closed
  • Resolution: Duplicate
  • OS: windows_vista
  • CPU: x86
  • Submitted: 2007-10-03
  • Updated: 2010-04-04
  • Resolved: 2007-10-31
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New plug-in is not being detected on Vista/ IE7.  On the same machine, the same game applets load properly using the regular promoted  6u5-b04

* Tested build: http://analemma.sfbay.sun.com/net/jano1/export1/deployment/kbr/plugin2-testing/jre-6u5-plugin2-windows-i586-p-01_oct_2007.exe

* Tested Configuration: Vista 32-bit (business, ultimate)/ IE 7

It appears that new plug-in is not registered properly on Vista/ IE 7 so can't play the applet.

* Tested games: 

1) Yahoo Super Bounce Out applet
- Click "Play Web Games"
- JPI is not detected by IE 7/Vista and applet can't be loaded.
(see attached screenshot)

2) Radical Aces:
- Click on "TRY IT NOW"
- Follow instruciton to start the online game applet. 
- Can't load the applet using new plug-in, but can load using promoted 6u5-b04

3) Any pogo applets.

4) The same can be said for our jdk plugin demo applets

EVALUATION This bug is being marked as a duplicate of 6622332 for bookkeeping purposes and does not need to be re-verified independently. In the case of a regression please file a new bug.

EVALUATION On Windows Vista, it seems that when UAC is disabled, the HKEY_CURRENT_USER registry branch is not consulted for lookups of COM CLSIDs, only the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE branch. We had previously not performed redirection for these registry entries. Changed RegInstall.cpp to call into jp2ssv.dll to perform this redirection, as well as to execute the normal SSV-related redirection. This also has the side-effect of detecting installation of the new plugin while IE is open without requiring a browser restart, which is also part of the 6u4 bring-forward that just occurred. Changed the jp2ssvbroker to detect when it needs to perform redirection of the HKLM registry keys and to re-invoke itself with high integrity in that case. Since the installer now does this work, this should occur only rarely, in the case of downgrade installs.

SUGGESTED FIX http://analemma.sfbay.sun.com/net/jano2/export2/hotspot/users/kbr/webrevs/mjre/6612714_vista_uac_installer_bug/

EVALUATION The problem is related to User Account Control (UAC). When UAC is enabled (the default in Vista), the lookup for the COM server for a given CLSID first consults HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT/CLSID, with HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Classes/CLSID as an override, meaning that if the CLSID is listed under HKCU, that InProcServer is used. It seems that when UAC is disabled, Vista consults HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Software/Classes/CLSID and does not consult the HKCU registry branch. The new plug-in's installer changes do not yet include redirection of the HKLM keys, which are still pointing to the (now non-existent) JAVA_HOME/bin/npjpi160_05.dll. This has implications for the control panel changes for the new plug-in, as well as the behavior of jp2ssv.dll. These will need to check the HKLM keys to see if they need redirection and if so perform this redirection with administrative privileges. We may be able to avoid doing this if UAC is disabled and should investigate how to query whether it is enabled or disabled.

EVALUATION On the Vista machine in question, IE is running as Administrator with UAC off. For some reason it looks like all of the CLSIDs associated with the Java Plug-In are not being picked up properly. Trying a normal user account with UAC on.

EVALUATION Can't reproduce this on the Vista machine I have available to test on. Need access to the machine in question to see what went wrong during the installation.