In JSE 1.6.0_02 "JRE Auto-Download" setting is grayed out for non admin Windows XP users within the Java console.
And by default the setting is "Never Auto-Download" for non-admin users, and "Always Auto-Download" for admin users.
You can also view this by the two attachments.
Customer is inquiring about this, because they have a Java Webstart application which asks their
users to download a specific version of JSE from their own network. And because the clients of this application
have non-admin XP privileges the application fails.
"JRE Auto-Download" feature is new to 1.6.0, so customer didn't have this issue with 1.5.0_11.
Customer question is this: How do I enable my non-admin clients now to auto download and auto install a JDK version
from within my Webstart application?