A customer faces with critical crash(SIGSEGV) issue in Solaris box.
That occurs in 1.3.1_14 and later.
When they backed out the fix for 5053921, their crash come not to occur
even in 1.3.1_14.
=== Customers Requests ====
R1 Is there any possibility that the fix for 5053921 causes their crash ?
(As to "their crash", please see the report attached to this CR )
If so, please resolve and provide the fix.
R2 If it is difficult to resolve their crash,
please clarify whether or not 5053921 occur only in Windows box with -XX:-UseTLE (and -server ) ?
R3 If they try to back out the src fix for 5053921,
Could you please let us know what Sun can predict perspective of what will happen ?
Just thought or feelings is o.k