I am selecting F10 to select the menu, once the first menu gets selected all the menu's mneuminonics gets highlighted. Now i press any one of the highlighted menu's mneumonics so that i can see the menuitems. The JRadioMenuItem & JCheckboxMenuItem mneumonics are not seen. Even there is an inconsistency in normal menuItem's mneumonics also.
This works fine in jdk1.6.0 as well as jdk1.6.0 update release also. Even it works fine in jdk1.7.0 _b05 but fails from jdk1.7.0 b07 onwards Hence its a regression.
Step to reproduce:
1) Run SwingSet2 in windows LookAndFeel.
2) Press F10, you can see menu mneumonics are highlighted.
example :- "F" for File , "L" for LookAndFeel & "p" for Options .
3) Press "p" to select "Option" Menu. so that you can see "Option menu" Menuitems. Observe that JCheckboxMenuItems are not showing the mneumonics. Even observe that menu mneumonics are also not seen.
4) Press "arrow Key" so that you can navigate to other menu also
example select "LookAndFeel" Menu . Observe that JRadioMenuItem mneumoncs are also not seen. Even for "File" menuitems mneumonics are also not seen.
Another way to reproduce the problem.