Yokogawa TC04_01 causes Browser Freeze after running around 12 hours. Huge Memory and GDI Objects might have caused a browser freeze.
Thread Count [29.. 33]
Handle Count Range [884 .. 4385]
Private Bytes [35,143,680 .. 346,845,184]
Working Set [42,827,776 .. 308,711,424]
GDI [318 .. 9983]
Applet Location:
How to reproduce :
( You need to install MKS on this system or rewrite the scripts to bat)
1. Unzip the the attached yokogawa.zip file to a dir say C:\temp
2. cd C:\temp\yokogawa
3. set the TEST_JRE_HOME env. variable
e.g. set TEST_JRE_HOME=c:\Program Files\Java\jre1.5.0_12 ( with out quates)
4. sh tc4_001.sh
This test case will launch an applet and will run for 24 hours. You can custmize the duration to run by changing "-timeout" value in
yokogawa.sh script.
Output directory also can be customized by changing "-outputdir"
TestCase URL can be hosted on a local system and customize it by changing the yokogawa.sh script.
Trace and log file will be located under outputdir by defalut (from where you are running)
iexplore.csv will contain the handle count, thread count, privite bytes, working set, %Processor Time and GDI Objects counter values at various points for iexplore.exe process.