Tested jre: 1.5.0_12-b03
OS/Browser: XP-pro(sp2)/ IE 6
Repeatedly open and close an applet freezes the Internet Explorer in 1.5.0_12. It appears to be a regression as it is OK in 1.5.0_11-b03-fcs
Attached files:
* Test case: Yokogawa <TC02-01.tar>
* Freeze dump log: <PID-2316__IEXPLORE.EXE__Date_04-27-2007__Time_10-19-47AM.log>
Steps to reproduce:
1) Extract all the files from attached <TC02-01.tar>
2) Using IE to load <TC02-01_Top.html>
3) Click 'Open a page" link
4) A page includes an applet should be opened
5) Close the page in 4)
Repeatedly do step 3 to step 5
The browser hang some time between 24-hour running interval (sometimes, it hang just after a few tries). Please contact submitter for more infomration if running in reliability mode.
When the problem occurs, java console is completely frozen and its content is invisible. Both browser and Java console can only be killed via Windows task manager.