The printing result in 5.0 is different from that in 1.4.2.
Reproduce :
1. Open VDS system(provided by the customer)
You will see the login view.
2. Click "login" button, leaving username and password box blank
You will see the sttached vds1.jpg
3. Click the link "All Primitives of VDS HMI Graphic4
You will see the attached vds2.jpg
4. Click "small" in Continuous/Royality row of Trend Primitive area
in Control Primitive Area(Please see the vds2.jpg)
A new IE windows is cretaed and you will see the attached vds3.jpg
5. Click the printer icon at the top-right position.
When the above proceduce is done in 1.4.2_14 and
the result will be the attached result_142.jpg and result_50ux.jpg respectively.