Windows, IE, JRE 7.0
There're two IE windows opened, belonging to the same process.
At the first window there is an applet with a focusable component inside,
at the second window there is a JavaScript that triggers focus request
on the applet. When the second IE window is active requesting focus
doesn't success:
- the applet's component is repainted as it would have focus
- tabbing yet moves focus in the second IE frame
- the second IE frame still remains the foreground window.
1. Download attached files: testie.html, testchild.html and
2. Compile
3. Change "CODEBASE VALUE" parameter in the testie.html to appropriate value
4. Run the testie.html in the IE browser
5. Click "Open child" button (the second IE window will appear)
6. Click "Focus Applet" in the second IE window
Expected behavior:
The first IE window will bring to front and the applet's button will gain focus.
Actual behavior:
The second IE window remains active and keeps focus in it.