I am running the attached test on WinXP Prof which has a Nvidia GeForce4 MX4000 (93.71 driver) using JDK7-b02. The application brings up a JTable in FullScreen mode with a list of display modes supported by the system. My current display mode is 1024x768x32. I am choosing a display mode having 8 bit color depth - 960x600x8x72. The display mode changes. Now when I click 'Exit' on the frame, the frame closes but the java process is not terminating even when I press CTRL+C. I have to open the Task Manager to kill the java process.
This is reproducible only on b02 and not reproducible on b01. Not reproducible on JDK6. Not reproducible on a different machine which is having Nvidia GeForce FX5900 with the same driver.
I ran the application with J2D_TRACE_LEVEL=4 and I have given the output under comments. I have also given the output of CTRL+BREAK at the console. Problem still exists even when I turn off d3d explicitly.
To reproduce, run the attached test and select a 8 bit display mode from the list and click 'Set Display'. Once display mode changes, click 'Exit'. if the java process does not terminate at the console, the bug is reproduced.